
Sunday, January 26, 2020

"Captain Kirk's Constitutional Speech" by TM - 1.26.20



1/26/2020 04:46:00 AM Emailed, Thoughts

Entry Submitted by TM at 2:17 AM EST on January 26, 2020

We The People...    Now, In America  We Are Being Taught  Constitutional Law
[ If You've been paying attention from the Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearing, Throughout the Fake Russian Collusion, The False Ukrainian Narrative and onward to a mind numbing im(peachy) ment. that only serves as a lesson in law & government, if one chooses to listen & learn]
Also, much has had to be placed in alignment globally

What Is Being Played Out( on TV)
Is To Return U.S. To The Original Constitution As It Was Intended By The Original Framers Of Said Constitution.
Or laying the groundwork for a New Constitution... We'll Soon See what's on the agenda.

What Is Being Played Out , And Being Played Out Before Our Sleepy Selves
Is How We've Been Put To Sleep By Too Much Fairy Dust
Mind Wiped By Ill Intentioned Beings or a runaway Artificial Intelligence controlling the Holograpgic Matrix from which we're trying to be exfiltrated from.
[ entities... "Fallen Angels"... More like Demons... 3D4D... No Longer able to survive in 5D ]

History's racial memory was almost always erased so as to prevent us from our understanding of the past and. therefore controlling our future.

So We Forgot...
This Amnesia of Who We Were &
Where We Came From.
We Must Awaken To Who We Were Before We Came Here.

Live Long And Prosper


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