
Monday, December 23, 2019

Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report as of Dec. 23, 2019

Q: Declass would begin with arrest of a prominent figure.
Has Declass Already Begun? US Attorney General William Barr called out Obama for a criminal act that could be considered treason...

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Dec. 23 2019

Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities”:

Judy Note: The 800#s release time remained unknown, with Declass and Mass Arrests expected to come out prior, (which may have already happened).

MarkZ: It was rumored that there was a mad dash to get CMKX, Omega packages out today Mon. 23 Dec. so that some could exchange before Christmas. Mark was absolutely certain that this was rolling out right now.

Q: Declass would begin with arrest of a prominent figure.

Has Declass Already Begun? US Attorney General William Barr called out Obama for a criminal act that could be considered treason.

1. Attorney General Barr granted fake news NBC an interview when Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his report on the FBI spying on the Trump campaign.

2. Horowitz detailed a disturbing campaign by the FBI to deploy underhanded tactics to win court approval to spy on the Trump campaign, outlined damning acts of fabricating evidence, withholding other evidence that proved no collusion and the FBI lying to judges on multiple occasions.

3. In spite of the above the fake news media only seized on Horowitz’s finding that he found no evidence of political bias in the FBI opening up the Russian witch hunt.

Ukrainian Indictment Claimed $7.4 Billion Obama-Linked Laundering, Put Biden Group Take at $16.5 Million:

Names Connected to Satanic Cults, Pedophilia, Child Trafficking (that included Obama):

The Fake News Mainstream Media Continued to Cover up Crimes Against Children. Here is another article on the international Child Trafficking Ring run by the CIA, US Inc., British Crown and Vatican through their Central Banks that never made the headlines, even though the Intel was well known by at least 2013: Obama, Clintons, Mafia Child Trafficking:

A. Dec. 23 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ:

1. Only a couple of people in the world knew the timing of the reset, so everyone was guessing.

2. A lot of logistics were said to be covered over the weekend.

3. Mark was hearing that there was a mad dash to get CMKX, Omega packages out today Mon. 23 Dec. so that some could exchange before Christmas.

4. Mark was absolutely certain that this was rolling out right now.

B. Nun Exposes Pope’s Plan to Establish New World Religion to Control World’s Population:

1. Pope Francis has invited religious leaders of the world to the Vatican to sign a global pact on May 14 2020. This New Humanism initiative would create a World Religion designed to control the world population.

2. According to this Catholic Nun the pact would ruin our society because it placed man, rather than Christ, at the center of the initiative.

3. Just as Hitler did, this Global Education Pact was designed to educate people of the world in how to destroy the family so the New World Order could take over... 

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