
Saturday, October 26, 2019

VERY DRAMATIC TRUTHS are about to come forward, in many respects...'

'One rather large domino is about to fall. It may come in the form of an announcement, it may come simply in the form of a happening.....

"Don't Shoot, I am Just the Messenger" by Sierra (NZ) - 10.26.19

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 11:22 PM EDT on October 26, 2019

That got your attention!

Seriously though, please use your discernment as you read the following St Germain channeling excerpts. The channeling from 20th October starts at 13 minutes on the audio clip (I inserted the bold typeface in the excerpts)...

St Germain: 'I am St Germain. I come at this time with what we consider very exciting news - news that has been building up for quite some time now...Your lives are going to change in a dramatic way...We ourselves of the Great White Brotherhood, your Galactic brothers and sisters, the Agarthans, all have been saying that dramatic changes are about to come to you...the exciting news that I have been asked to share is that VERY DRAMATIC TRUTHS are about to come forward, in many respects...'

'One rather large domino is about to fall. It may come in the form of an announcement, it may come simply in the form of a happening...We cannot give you exactly what it will be, but it will be quite astounding to many....And even those of you who have been waiting...will find joy deep within your heart coming forward. Because the moment of Awakening is coming very close now...It is coming very very soon, all across the planet. First here, in this country, the United States - the Republic of the United States, and that, my friend, is a hint...'

'And once it begins, it will be as the avalanche that has been spoken of many times...The dark can no longer stay in the shadows, it must be illuminated...These are the times you have been waiting for...'

'Many of those things in terms of the financial endeavors that have been in the works, in process, are about to come forward. It is not to say that you will automatically become rich overnight. That is NOT the plan...The Plan is for BALANCE to be brought to the world. And those of you are a big part of bringing that balance to mankind.'

Master Kara: 'The dark has lost control. Project Masterpiece (from the Masters) is all about taking that control away. We, the Pleiadians, Sirians and Andromedans are here to assist you in the process...And yes, it does encompass the financial system, it does encompass many arrests that need to be done. The Truth MUST be revealed, the Truth SHALL be revealed. Prepare yourself for the Light of Truth to be known across the entire planet.'

I have always believed the RV will happen around the time of the arrests - safety is paramount for the RV release. We stand now on the threshold of the arrests. I watched Clapper stammer in fear during a CNN interview about Durham's criminal investigation. It's real, folks!

Stay calm and get plenty of rest. We, the Light Warriors, will be needed to assist humanity in its awakening very soon.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

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