
Wednesday, October 23, 2019


The Inspector General's report on FISA court abuse is also expected to be released by the end of October...
Big events are expected in November...

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Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - October 23, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

Multiple sources claim that another attempted coup against POTUS was subverted.

Hillary Clinton may be arrested or indicted by the end of the month as the first Q drop in 2017 indicated that she would be arrested in October.

The Inspector General's report on FISA court abuse is also expected to be released by the end of October.

Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff's surprise visit to...
...Jordan was (unofficially) an attempt to request amnesty in fear of being arrested and/or indicted once DECLAS begins.

The King of Jordan supports President Trump's decision in Syria and rejected their request.

Executive Order 13894 signed on October 14, 2019 was a move by POTUS to block and suspend the entry of certain persons contributing to the situation in Syria.

This means that all Deep State Cabal in the U.S. have been neutered of any involvement in Syria.

The Earth Alliance is discretely blocking the Deep State Cabal on all fronts.

According to sources, expectations for the RV to begin this year remain at 80%.

The global transition to a new monetary system is also expected to occur this year.

Countries are expected to undergo reforms under the Earth Alliance's GESARA agenda after the global transition to a new monetary system.

The restoration of the Republic is expected to be completed by the end of President Trump's 2nd term.

Big events are expected in November.

Patriot Intel Report -- October 23, 2019

Image courtesy of Patriot Intel Report on YouTube.

Patriot Intel Report 10 23 19

By Patriot Intel Report
Published on Oct 23, 2019

[OpDis Editor Note: Patriot Intel Report provides great insight on the latest economical and geopolitical events. 2 terms. Deal with it.]

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Commander Ashtar - Be prepared for second week of December

Dear outer earth people,

With the start of great operation that matrix owners eventually admitted to it as well, we execute the last phase of the earth liberation. Be prepared!

With the crash of electricity power stations and other transmitters, the magnetic prison’s walls will collapse completely and all controlling signals will stop working, thus it makes it easier for everyone to see the new truth.

After the complete collapse of third dimension, galactic federation of light forces will still stay beside you to provide necessary teaching through starseeds for stationing and stabilization of the outer earth people in the new dimension.

As we said in our previous transmissions, be prepared from the second week of December 2019.

We have sent the news about “Great Event” to the heart of all starseeds, this is the reason for feeling joy and freedom that some of you have perceived without knowing its source cause.

The light will be so intense that there will be no place left for darkness to hide. And this source’s will has been depicted by brave starseeds.

So, develop your unique capabilities with emphasizing and confirming what you are.

This message will emphasis and remind the starseeds mission to them.

The other news is that five DNA strands of starseeds have been activated and within next phase all the twelve strands will be fully activated.

Transmission from Galactic Federation of light

Commander Ashtar

Channeled by Tiona

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