
Friday, October 25, 2019

6 pm EDT Sun, Oct 27th: Nationwide Group Meditation

I find these Meditations particularly Rich as people from all over the u.s.a. & the World join in.

Even if you're not a TMer be part of this Absolutexperience by calling on the Grace of Ishvara,
Our*Almighty*Merciful*Father, Our*Almighty*Mother*Love & Bathe in Their Golden Grace.

We Amplify Our Intentions Many Fold as we blankethearth in Divine Transcendent Light.

I recommend you start @ 6pm EDT & continue as you are guided to enrich yourself &All.

Hopefully these will become weekly events Gently ushering in the Golden Age Blissfully,


p.s. Please share this withose open to sharing & receiving TranscentaLight & Grace.
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

 & More @ GJack Above****

-----Original Message-----
From: TM Center - NYC Beaver Street <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 25, 2019 9:46 am
Subject: Sunday, October 27th: Nationwide Group Meditation

Transcendental Meditation * News,
                            Events, Announcements
The New York City TM Program
Group meditating with eyes closedYou're invitedUpcoming Nationwide TM Group
Sunday, October 27, 5:00 pm
Manhattan and Brooklyn TM Centers
Dear Friend,
Please join us for our next Nationwide TM® Group Meditation this Sunday, October 27th at your choice of TM Centers: Beaver Street, Madison Avenue, or Brooklyn. 
Video Lecture by Maharishi at 5:00 pm
Group TM Checking at 5:30 pm
*Group Meditation at 6:05 pm
Refreshments at 6:30 pm
Registration for Group Meditation
Please register by clicking on one of the buttons below to let us know you will be attending. Please note: Registration is required.
For those meditating at the same time on their own
For those who cannot make it to the Center, we’d still love you to join us by meditating at the same time, 6:05 EDT, wherever you are. Please record your remote participation by clicking here.

“I have truly enjoyed the group meditations and hope they continue! They inspire me in my meditation journey, and I always reach a deep level of relaxation and peace. — R.S.G., Issaquah, WA
“ ‘Enjoy’ is the word that keeps returning to mind. It was an enjoyable meditation and a very nice setting. I really appreciate being able to associate with the instructors and fellow meditators. — Daniel Heffner, Dayton, OH

We’d love to hear your experiences
If you have participated in a previous Nationwide TM Group Meditation, and would like to share your experience(s), please fill out this brief survey. Thank you very much!
We look forward to seeing you at our next Nationwide Group Meditation on October 27!
With best wishes,
Ralph, Donna, Kathy, Dave, Rita, Jon, and Kelly
Certified TM Teachers
NYC TM Program
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Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, and Consciousness-Based are protected trademarks
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.

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