
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

RV/Intelligence Alert: "Radical" -- July 24, 2019

The fiat financial system is expected to end and be replaced by the QFS in mid-August...

Operation Disclosure


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

A new international tax treaty has been ratified which means all countries must now conform to GESARA compliance.

The purpose of the RV and the implementation of the QFS (Quantum Financial System) is to transition to a fair global economy and a GESARA compliant world.

Boris Johnson has been named the new Prime Minister of the UK which means Brexit is now imminent.

The UK will begin GESARA compliant reforms post-Brexit.

Jeffrey Epstein's case is the linchpin to expose high profile Cabalists involved in human trafficking.

Meanwhile, the US Treasury is in the process of issuing a new gold-standard currency.

The first gold-backed $20 bill is currently in the works.

The emerging scandal in Iraq is expected to trigger the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar.

The fiat financial system is expected to end and be replaced by the QFS in mid-August.

All Central Banks are being forced to align with the QFS.

The implementation of the QFS will reset all countries economically which also result in debt forgiveness and the elimination of poverty.

Radical change is imminent.

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