
Friday, July 5, 2019

RV/Intelligence Alert: "Obelisk" -- July 5, 2019

Operation Disclosure


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

The Earth Alliance's main plan is to transition the world to GESARA compliance discretely.

However, Plan B is still on the table which includes complete military takeover and mass arrests.

The cleansing of the US Government is still in motion (codenamed "Drain the Swamp").

There are 3 obelisks around the world that represent each division of the Deep State Cabal.

City of London - Financial

Washington DC - Military
The Vatican - Religion

The 4th of July parade over the Washington Monument (obelisk) was a symbolic victory celebration over the Deep State Cabal militarily.

Unconfirmed: High profile arrests were made during the 4th of July event as cover.

Cleopatra's Needle in London was the first obelisk to be conquered by the Earth Alliance via Brexit.

Therefore, the Earth Alliance is now in control both financially and militarily.

The last remaining Deep State Cabal obelisk is the Vatican Obelisk (Religion).

Meanwhile, economic reforms in Zimbabwe are proceeding as planned.

Triggers to crash the stock market and dismantle the fiat financial system are in place to initiate a global economical transition to a new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

However, the RV is needed prior to the global economical transition.

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