
Friday, June 14, 2019


Included here are two Sources, 1 Audio & 1 Transcribed Update, both are projecting changes at hand.
Some arexpecting Gold Backed Currency the UST Note to be announced, which starthe RV/GCR.
Exactly how it will roll outhe sequencetc. will have to be seen, with ALL THAT IT BRINGS.
Be Prepared emotionally, be Secure in Grace as well as physically, havenough, havextra.
Yay, Finally we're on the cusp of it as the dark is rooted up & the Light Shines thru.
It may get dusty & somewhat dirty as We stay Lighted & know the Truth of it.
Be in Joy, Know the Plan is Progressing & NOW!!!!!!!!!!! Until it is done,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS Below  & More @ GJack Above****


Patriot Intel Report -- June 14, 2019

Image courtesy of Patriot Intel Report on YouTube.

Patriot Intel Report ~ WARNING! 06 14 19

By Patriot Intel Report
Published on Jun 14, 2019

[OpDis Editor Note: Patriot Intel Report provides great insight on the latest economical and geopolitical events. We get a warning in this video.]

The Big Call w/ Bruce Intel Notes by PinkRoses 6-13-19


TRANSCRIBED BY PINKROSES (Thank you, PinkRoses. ~ Dinar Chronicles)

Bruce: Welcome Everybody to the Big Call tonight. Let’s talk a little bit what is going on. Boy, today we have some information yesterday, Wednesday, afternoon and last night that was showing really definitively really that today was going to be our day for a start. I do not know exactly what transpired so that we don’t have it yet today. Remember it is possible something could happen tonight or overnight tonight to bring this to us. However, I will say there was some chatter that there might have been some shakeup with the Treasury as far as oversight of the redemption of Zim. My understanding was the actual situation was not one of the changing of the guard, but one of the guard which would be Mnuchin, signing off on the Zim and signing off whatever needed to be done so that it could go forward from there. This was done yesterday.

Bruce: Now the other things that were happening yesterday that were giving us reason to believe we were exactly right there was the fact that the AIIB as a partner, let’s call it, with the World Bank, partnering with the World Bank was signed off lasts night. The feedback from that agreement and the internal announcement was made in the 8pm and 9pm last night. So we got everything connected with the World Bank and AIIB, and also a restructuring of the BIS, Bank of International Settlement in Basel, Switzerland, is repositioned and restructured with some new blood. So those were two very positive things that took place that we heard about last night and had confirmation of that last night.

Bruce: The other thing we heard was what was supposed to take place in the 5pm to 6pm range last night was that the USTN, our new currency, was to be live and it was signed off on so that we would have that ready to go. That was announced internally I believe by President Trump. Now, that was something that occurred at 5pm and I would say signed off on. I know we have said: The USTN is live. I knew have aid it dozen times, and we don’t see it. We hear about it. We know what it looks like. We know the Redemption Centers have already gone through bales of $100, $50, and $20 bills of our new currency. Repackaged those in amounts of ten $100 bills, ten $50 bills, and twenty $20 bills. That is $1000 in $100s, $500 in $50s, and $400 in $20s in the new USTNs.

Bruce: You say: What is USTN again Bruce? It is United States Treasury Note. Why? Because that is what is written on the bill. That is why. No more Federal Exchange Note. I believe the President of what I heard today is going to make an announcement either this Sunday or Monday about: We are no longer in the same position with our US Dollar. Our USD is gone. That will be announced and the USTN is taking its place. That is to be announced either Sunday or Monday. It should be announced on Sunday so everybody can get it at the bank on Monday. That is just my opinion. It doesn’t mean it is going to happen. It looks like finally something is going to happen with that.

Bruce: Now we do have a gold back dollar. We do have it gold back under the new USTN. As our banks become Basel 4 and Basel 5 compliance and Basel 5 means they have enough reserves gold back currency on reserve to at 100 percent of the amount that is in those accounts in our names. So, whatever we have or customers have at the banks are backed by a reserve of the same amount, 100%. That is what the reserve requirements are about under Basel 5. All the Tier 1 Banks are Basel 5 compliant and many of the Tier 2 Banks and some of them are, but most of them are Basel 4 compliant.

Bruce: Now in Europe last Monday was a Bank Holiday because the European Banks were becoming Basel 4 compliant. That is part of the reason nothing happened last Monday. Prior to that we had a holiday in China. Nothing happened over those 3 days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday last weekend. Now, this weekend looks to be a different scenario. We are getting very positive information that makes it look like we could be looking at a new different situation around let’s say lunchtime or just thereafter tomorrow. We thought we would be there today. For some reason we didn’t get started today. Nothing that we know of yet happened overnight for the groups, the Core 30, for anything. Nobody was paid.

Bruce: We came to the conclusion and it wasn’t me that concluded this, but they came to the conclusion that maybe no one in the groups gets paid, the Core 30, anybody until this toll-free number is released. Therefore, we do get a true shotgun start. Where nobody goes first. Everybody goes almost simultaneously. Maybe that is what is going to turn out to be. Guess what? I got my catcher’s mitt on and ready to receive that fast pitch, that 95 mph fast ball, and kaboom, and just get that information out as soon as possible. I am ready to go. Bring it in here. I am hitting that catcher’s mitt softening it up for that catch. I think it is time. I believe it is that close.

Bruce: There is some noise out there and it is not meant to be noise I know, but there are people that think there is a certain fee structure that needs to be adhere to and if it is not done by Saturday or Sunday or whatever then it all goes away and we lose control of this. The Treasury lose what we are going to get out of this and it refers to China. I am saying that is not true. That is not what I am hearing from my sources. So, I am not buying that, and I am asking you not to buy it either.

Bruce: Let’s talk about this for a minute about some of the Redemption Center for us procedures. We know when you get in, they want this to go in 40 to 45 or 50 minutes. This is not a long drawn out process that we thought it was going to be. This is a boom, boom situation. In and Out. Boom. You get in there. You get an NDA. You read it over. You decide whether you want a 3-day or 10-day NDA based on what it says. I cannot tell you what it says. It is a page and a half page NDA. You look at that and you decide on that. You already proved who you are. They already know who you are and that you are a Zim holder. They already know. When you give them your phone number and they have it, when you go in for your appointment, they already know who you are. So, they know when you show them your ID. Yes, that is the guy. Yes, that is the woman. You go from there.

Bruce: You show them your Passport, Drivers License. You have a utility bill, and you show all that. Boom, boom, boom. Next thing you know you get taken to another room where it is private and you can start going thru your currency. They will start evaluating and counting your currency for you keeping all that accurate. They should I think give you an accounting of that so you know what you have going in. They verify what you have which is true. They give you an amount because you have talked about a rate by now especially on the Zim. If you are a Zim holder, you are really looking at the front screen of the other currencies.

Bruce: My understanding is if you are a Zim holder because the denomination is so large, and by the way, there are no zeros coming off. Forget the concept of any zeros coming off. You are going to be treated very fair on the Zim. Do not even worry about it. Once that rate is achieved, you will let them know of course what your projects are. You will have 5 to 8 minutes to do your presentation. It will be really good, and you will tell them what it is you plan to do. The next thing you know you will be setting up your master account, your mother lode account. It with one bank. It is probably the only time you will have to set up in the Redemption Center one account. You will set up all the other things later with a private Banker or a Personal whatever you want to call it, your Wealth Manager. Different banks call them different things.

Bruce: You will be setting up your account. You will be deciding how much cash you want. By the way, up to $6,000 cash. None of that $150,000 cash. We were misinformed on that. That was a combination of money you can have total at the time of your redemption. You can load your credit/debit card. If it is debit card, you can load it with up to $100,000. You put that in. As far as any bank wires or Cashier’s checks, it is not going to happen at your redemption appointment. You will make the appointment with your Tier 1 Banker either to follow to get those one or you will just get it done with your Private Banker if you are in a Redemption Center with no Tier 1 Bank to work with. They will let you know who you can contact and work with to get that done.

Bruce: You will ask for your proof of funds letter or letters on bank letterhead. That will tell you if you are going to buy a house, they will advise you how much the proof of funds letter needs to be for based on the approximate price of the house you are looking to buy. They can provide those so you can get started on that. You want them to know how much access to funds you will need in the first 90 days. If you have a number, put it out there. I do not care if it is $50 million all the way up to a billion dollars. If you can justify needing that in the first 90 days put it out there.

Bruce: You probably set up your secondary accounts or secondary bank accounts at another appointment, not at the first one because by now they have given you a perk, series of benefits you can get. You take that and, in my opinion, you will not have time to look at those and say: Yes, I want a toaster. Can you imagine Yes, I want a 4-slice toaster. Wow that is worth $25. Wow. Such a deal I should have for you. No. Forget about it. You are looking at getting more than a toaster with the perks. To be honest when you are a Zillionaire, the perks are not going to be looking to make or break you. It might be a nice gesture. Let’s see what they are. You probably decide on the perks later. I do not think you are going to make any decision on perks right then. If you did, it would surprise me.

Bruce: As far as going from there I think, once you are in that private office, they tend to come to you. I believe they will have a very short orientation from someone from Homeland Security. You will have a very short orientation from someone from US Treasury to talk about your security. Your physical security and your monetary security. Physical security should come from Homeland, and your monetary security should come from Homeland representative. So you will get some of that, and then it will be time for you to go and take care of some things and come back and set further appointments either the next day or at another branch where you will have a Wealth Manger or someone you can meet with right away.

Bruce: So that is how I am envisioning this. Yes, I know 45 to 50 minutes sounds ridiculous. You are looking to get these decisions made fairly quickly. You have NDA to check out. You have Know Your Customer right there in the very beginning. These de la rue machines count very quickly. They will have no time zipping thru the currency. It should take almost the shortest amount of anything that needs to be done. Be prepared to be on you’re A-game as Sue mentioned.

Bruce: I told you a little bit more about the process. I told you that you can take up to $6,000 in new USTNs that are prepacked already. I told you how those are coming. You will get a credit card made. They can make you a credit card in 20 minutes. So, they can knock that out for you. These will be some premium cards. These are top notch cards. We can call them Black cards. Some of them will be Titanium. Some of them might be black with a logo on it. Some of them will be just platinum type cards. These cards you can choose based on the banks represented at your Redemption Center. You can choose what direction you want to start out in. Let them know how much money you will need in the first 90 days, and let them know how much you need right away, in the first couple of days. Let them know you need this. Boom boom boom. Let them know in the first 90 day you need a total of this.

Bruce: I told you I plan to use a spill over account with my main bank, with my motherlode account so that I have the big account which will be used in a structured payout scenario from the Zim. Then the interest that earns that pays out every quarter or every 3 months, gets spilled into a secondary spill over account. That is how I am going to do it. You do it the way you want. I will have that done. I am gong to try to see if I can get the other amount of the other currencies to go into another bank with another separate account. That is just me. That is how I am going to do it. I do not think I will set up all 3 accounts at the time of the redemption. Probably set up one master account and set up the others afterwards with the bank later. Whether it is the same day or not, I can not say.

Bruce: That is the overview. Do not forget your Proof of Funds letters that you want. I would make sure you have your amounts of your currencies written down. Better yet, type up on a sheet so you keep a copy of it so you know how much you have. You give them a copy of it when they go to count your currency. This is what I am saying I have. Go verify these amounts. Not by denomination. I wouldn’t do it that way, but I would do it just by currency.

Bruce: So, you have ten million Dinar. You write down Dinar – 10 million. Hopefully it is all in 25 k notes. Maybe it is in 10K notes. Who knows. You set that up. Or if it is Dong. I have 5 million Dong. You write that down so they know that is what you say you have. I have one quad of Zim let’s say. Boom 1 Quad is ten 100T notes, for example. Okay that is a quad. You say I have 1 Quad of Zim. They say Yes. They go thru it and verify that. They count it. Authenticate it. Boom you are there. They basically can check off. Yes, I agree, Okay. Then they should give you a receipt for that. A receipt for that currency. Then you get to the point what is my rate on each one. You get the rate on each one. They do the multiplication on the calculator. They do it twice to make sure it is correct when they put it in the calculator. You get a receipt which I hope is a receipt. That basically is your deposit in one or more accounts.

Bruce: They will want to lump all your currencies into one account. I get that. They want to take all of it and combine it together. That is fine as long as I know how much I had in Dong. How much I had in Dinar. As long as I know how much I have in Rial, and as long as I know how much I have in Zim. I want to know those amounts separately. That is just me, because the Zim is going to be my God account for humanitarian projects. Then the other currencies are more for me because they are going to be dwarfed by the Zim.

Bruce: That is as much as I can put out tonight without getting in trouble. Thank you, Pinkroses, for wonderful job you have been doing for years now, many years in transcribing the Big Call. I really appreciate that. I really appreciate the job Bob did tonight not only on the health and wellness, but preparing the prayer request and praise report for us and pray that out for the folks tonight. Thank you, Sue what you bring to the call. It was beautiful. It was wonderful. Bob you too on everything you bring. Remember everybody keep Pastor Steven and his wife, Zane in prayer for complete and total healing in Jesus name. I appreciate that.

Bruce: Thank you everybody for coming in. Thank you all Big Call listeners all over this globe whether you are in Big Call country in North America or whether you are in Big Call Universe all around this globe. Thank you everybody from South Africa, from Australia, from New Zealand, from Iraq, from South Korea, from other countries in Africa, from Brazil, from Argentina, from possibly Uruguay. I haven’t heard from Uruguay. Maybe so. From Chili, from everywhere we can reach. Thank you for listening, and thank you for being available for us these 8 years of the Big Call.

Bruce: Everybody have a beautiful night. Let’s see what tomorrow brings. Continue to go on the website: to register if you have not registered. You will get an email with the 800 numbers on it if you are a registered person on: Thank you everybody for listening. God Bless you. I hope I do not talk to you next Tuesday. I hope we go before. If we do we will record a celebration call and put it out there for you. Thank you everybody. Good Night.


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