
Sunday, May 12, 2019

GCR/RV and Restored Republic Recent History::::::::::::

Though in effect since May 2, the GCR would be formally announced. Also in early June the IG Horowitz Report would be made public,

implicating among other political elites, Obama and Clinton in treasonous acts...

Mr. Mayheu always said the best time to deliver OMEGA packages was on a Sunday evening...

 I focus on the changes as they've been Designed to happen & if they don't quite I go deep within my Being &
then I focus again. Altho there is much distraction, as We hold Our Focus Together Change is Inevitable.
And this is just a minute part of the change we are creating within as it becomes oureality,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS Below  & More @ GJack Above****

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 12 2019

Compiled 12 May 12:01 am by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: the biography of Jenny Hill.” Under direction of a CIA Operative and as a six year-old, Jenny was tortured by a Satanic coven, forced to witness a child sacrifice and save for divine intervention, was almost killed herself: Articles on a CIA/Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult:

Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research, to Dale who keeps me in line and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. In all your giving, please don’t forget exploited children.

A. GCR/RV and Restored Republic Recent History:

Wed. Jan. 2: GITMO Military Tribunals began.

Mon. Jan. 28: 9/11 Tribunal began at GITMO.

Wed. April 24: IRS shut down. Functions had long been shifted to a new US Treasury in Reno, along with it’s other locations across the US.

Fri. April 26: Mass Arrests of global elites were reported to be in full swing on the over 90,000 indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office.

Wed. May 1: The GCR/RV Window opened. Gold/asset-backed Iraqi Dinar & USTN started international trading platforms. Prosperity Packages began to be delivered.

Fri. May 3: Trump and Pompeo signed off on the RV.

Sun. May 5: The Cabal was unable to pay what was owed the US. While Trump was in the UK, another deal was worked out, causing a 24 hour delay in the RV.

Mon. May 6: The RV started up again with live rates on the bank screens. There was an attempt to use the court system to slow Prosperity Package delivery. A crew went to Florida and were able to get deliveries started again – a big win for CMKX holders. More reported receiving Prosperity Packages.

Tues. May 7: The UK deal was done, signed, sealed and delivered. A slow rollout of the RV continued. Much of Tier 3 had been paid. Iran was trying to shut down the Straits of Hormuz. Oil markets were affected and a rise on oil and gas prices began. The Dow dropped into the red over 500 points at opening and remained there at close – the beginnings of collapse of the economy and replacement of the fiat US dollar. Zimbabwe would house the new world reserve currency.

Wed. May 8: We were past the point of no return on the RV rollout – expected to complete during a Stock Market crash.

Thurs. May 9: At opening the Dow dropped again after Trump said China 'broke the deal,' resuming the Market sell-off – which had functioned in or near the red since all gains for the year were lost by Oct. 1 2018. Tier 3 completed.

Fri. May 10: Effective at midnight, sanctions on China imports to the US were expected to cause a further Stock Market implosion. All banks were Basil 3-4 compliant and placed on High Alert, along with security forces worldwide. The new TRNs had been installed in banks for release. Iraqi borders were locked in.

Sat. May 11: Beginning of a two week transitional period of economic and political chaos.

Mon. May 13: MarkZ claimed that the GCR started in earnest on Mon. May 13, and the 800 number would be out. Some have been told they could redeem their historic Bonds as funding arrived on Mon. May 13. As the Stock Market crashed, the removal of Cabal Deep State elements would begin in 209 nations of the GCR via local military and law enforcement. Central banking would be eliminated. Japan, Deutcshe, Greece, European, Italy, Turkey and Lebanon Central Banks were already failing as world currencies reset to a gold-standard, the Zimbabwe Dollar became the world reserve currency and world governments including the US, were reformed under GESARA compliance.

Wed. May 15: The General Public would begin exchanges (this deadline may have been moved forward two weeks).

Fri. May 24: Within this last two weeks Zim redemption was expected to end use of the fiat dollar while reviving the Stock Market as the Zim became the new world reserve currency.

June: Though in effect since May 2, the GCR would be formally announced. Also in early June the IG Horowitz Report would be made public, implicating among other political elites, Obama and Clinton in treasonous acts.

Aug 1: New Income Tax Code announcement – no personal income tax. In it’s place, a value-added tax (VAT), or 23% tax on new items only (no tax on used items, food or medicine), with special exceptions for the poor. This flat tax code would be effective on Jan. 1 2020.

On Oct. 1 Martial Law would be declared if the Deep State and their Democratic Party did not conform to Constitutional Law.

B. May 11 2019 Sat. Coffee with MarkZ: "Coffee with MarkZ and Friends" Saturday Q&A 5-11-19 MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

1. A couple of key people, big players and a signatory for the Elders arrived in Reno last night Fri. May 10. I am told the Elders were very content when they left DC to go to Reno. There was a friend of mine called back to Reno at the last minute as well from the East Coast to out West. It's very positive that the heads of groups and attorneys were called back.

2. There was a very large group said to release to their members on Tues. May 14.

3. Eagleone2025: China and the Elders went to DC and it went very well. The meeting with Trump went well. My sources were saying that the day the China Deal went down in DC the news reported it as bad. It was not bad. It was good. China markets even went up.

4. I had a friend that received his CMKX package Thursday evening May 9.

5. My bond person was allowed to do most of their paperwork yesterday Fri. May 10. They were told they can redeem their historic Bonds on Mon. May 13. Funding will arrive on Mon. May 13.

6. Eagleone2025: on Tues. May 14 there should be good news from the banks.

7. The slow roll out makes no sense to me.

8. Member: I am hearing the GCR starts in earnest on Mon. May 13, and the 800 number will be out for RV by Mon. May 13 at the latest. Good source.

9. Nflemingjr: I know that there were Zim exchanges taking place at HSBC, but not in this country as of yet. I also know that Wells Fargo and Chase were going to be getting started on Mon. May 13 or Tues. May 14.

10. I have a very large group set to distribute on Tues. May 14. They have seen proof of funds. I believe we are finally about to cross the finish line!

11. Eagleone2025: HSBC and bank meetings were going on. I said that Tues. May 14 would be a day that open meetings were going on, on Mon. May 13 and Tues. May 14.

12. We have always been told they may declare Martial Law because they were worried about runs on banks and things during the reset. It may or may not happen.

13. Mr. Mayheu always said the best time to deliver OMEGA packages was on a Sunday evening.

14. Eagleone2025: Banks would be still in meeting Mon. May 13 and Tues. May 14. Military teams Alpha-Tango Teams were still on standby for a green light.

15. nflemingjr: Everything starts in the East and moves West.

16. I have heard that the Zim might go before the rest of the RV from some people including a couple attorneys. Doesn't make sense to me, but it is possible.

17. Eagleone2025: Zim could go by itself. Nothing holding that back from going. It looked very close for the Zim. I talked to my Asia contacts about this last year. I see this happening very soon.

18. Eagleone2025: It has been talked about that the Zim could go alone. Fleming was reporting that the Zim was being exchanged in another country.

19. Nflemingjr: Most Zim was owned by Americans.

20. Nflemingjr: I was told by a large platform trader that the Zim would be redeeming within the next few days.

21. You are getting exactly what I have heard!

22. Eagleone2025: There was a High Security meeting taking place in the Middle East.

23. Eagleone2025: Bank meetings were still going on in Europe and Asia. There were three heads from Europe having meetings in regard to this RV.

24. I think gold would go to about $6,000 with the reset and then settle at the $1,500 to $2,000 per ounce rate.

25. It was my opinion that the IRS would be gone, and we would have a value added tax (VAT) instead of an income tax. I expected laws to change so I’m not worried about it.

26. Member: RV/GCR proof it’s real:

"March 2019 - The Global Economic Reset Begins With An Engineered Crash":












C. May 11 2019 1:09 am EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for May 11, 2019 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

1. The Earth Alliance's plan to collapse the fiat debt-based financial system was nearly complete.

2. These plans had been in the making after the events of 9/11 and set in motion after the collapse of 2008.

3. The US-China Trade War and Brexit were the final stages of these plans.

4. Brexit was designed to collapse the European Union government and remove the City of London from Cabal control.

5. The Trade War would lead to repercussions that would trigger a total collapse of the financial system.

6. During the collapse, a two week transitional period was expected until the new quantum financial system (QFS) was fully implemented.

7. During this two week transitional period, the removal of all Cabal/Deep State elements would begin in every nation via local military and law enforcement.

8. Once the QFS was implemented, all currencies would be reset to a gold-standard.

9. The Zimbabwe Dollar would become the world reserve currency due to the millions of tonnes of untouched gold under the country's soil.

10. The QFS would also monitor all transactions to prevent secretive backroom deals and manipulation the Cabal has done in the past century.

11. Central banking would be eliminated.

12. The IRS would be eliminated.

13. All governments would be reformed under GESARA compliance.

14. Sources claimed the local military of multiple nations have been briefed and were preparing for the imminent take down of Cabal/Deep State elements.

15. The world was about to experience a hard reset. We're in the endgame now.

D. Humanitarian
The Renu Foundation Non Profit: Building Housing, Building Lives:

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