
Friday, April 5, 2019

We are Watching a Global Transition

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for April 5, 2019 


Brexit was legally passed on March 29th.

Any further Cabal efforts through the EU to extend Brexit are null and void.

The City of London is now in the hands of the Earth Alliance.

The City of London was the Cabal's main financial hub which was being used to keep the "debt slavery system" alive.

Major banking reforms are expected to begin that will lead to a GESARA compliant financial system (Quantum Financial System).

The UK government is also expected to proceed with GESARA compliant reforms very soon.

Meanwhile, a new consensus was just reached on the US-China trade war.

The geopolitical stage is being set for major events to occur.

The RV is one of these events.

We are Watching a Global Transition before our very eyes.

Source: Operation Disclosure

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