
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

RV/Intelligence Alert: "Movements" -- May 1, 2019

The IG report on Comey will soon be released.

DECLAS on FISA court abuse and misconduct will follow shortly after.

Meanwhile, the RV is also expected to occur sometime this month.

Sources believe the RV is expected to begin the day after Mother's Day with the redemption of currencies being completed by Father's Day...

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President Trump "The American Underdog"

RV/Intelligence Alert: "Movements" -- May 1, 2019

Operation Disclosure


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

According to Earth Alliance briefings, a military industrial complex underground facility in Co Deongal, Ireland was recently destroyed.

The destruction of the facility caused a minor earthquake in the area.

Americans are reporting sightings of major US military movements and deployments across the nation.

According to sources, POTUS is preparing for possible civil unrest and violence from left leaning individuals and groups.

The IG report on Comey will soon be released.

DECLAS on FISA court abuse and misconduct will follow shortly after.

Meanwhile, the RV is also expected to occur sometime this month.

Sources believe the RV is expected to begin the day after Mother's Day with the redemption of currencies being completed by Father's Day.

Major events are expected to occur this month.

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