
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Last Resort Activated, No Blockade = Game Over, Tick Tock...

[HRC] emails were found in the White House and on Weiner's laptop,
Obama is most likley implicated in her scheme.
The dossier was used for it all and it is completely fake...


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Patriot Intel Report 04 23 19

Last Resort Activated, No Blockade = Game Over, Tick Tock - Episode 1849b

By X22Report
Published on Apr 23, 2019

JW reports that [HRC] emails were found in the White House and on Weiner's laptop, Obama is most likley implicated in her scheme. The dossier was used for it all and it is completely fake. JW wants Schiff investigated for ethical violations. Illegal immigration used for voting and to change the electoral college. SC investigation did not work, obstruction did not work, impeachment did not work, the [DS] is preparing to use the last resort, it has been activated.

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for April 25, 2019


The Deep State is being set up to be taken down via DECLAS.

HRC's emails have been retrieved.

Trump is making moves to take control of the Federal Reserve.

DECLAS is expected to be the event that will be the "break in the system" causing the markets to collapse and the fiat debt-based financial system implode.

The implosion of the fiat debt-based financial system will make way for a new (quantum) financial system.

The new financial system will be a fair system for all.

Meanwhile, no significant changes or movements regarding the RV are being reported at this time.

Sources are currently remaining silent.

We are on the precipice of a new golden age.

Source: Operation Disclosure

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