
Monday, April 22, 2019

5 Recent Science Discoveries To Blow Your

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5 Recent Science Discoveries To Blow Your Mind

Source: Unexplained Mysteries
Published on Apr 21, 2019
In this video we take a look at these 5 recent scientific discoveries to blow your mind.
A question that many of us have asked is why are we here, it's perhaps one of the questions that we'll never have an answer for. It's unknown why we are here, but one thing that is known is that the human body is incredible.
Two leading scientists have come forward and said that the human brain is a biological computer and the consciousness of a human being is a program that runs by the brain's computer. It's believed that within the human brain there resides around 86 billion brain cells. The soul is something that has made many people put forward different theories.
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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
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Navy pilot recalls 'out of this world' encounter

Cmdr. David Fravor says in 2004 he had an unforgettable encounter with a strange aircraft he believes was defying the laws of physics - maybe a UFO.
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Source: UFO Sightings
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