
Thursday, March 21, 2019

DECLAS begins once the Mueller Report is Released before Brexit on the 29th.

DECLAS begins once the Mueller Report is Released
before Brexit on the 29th.
RV/Intelligence Alert: "Electronic" -- March 21, 2019
3/21/2019 02:11:00 AM  Earth Alliance, Geopolitics, Intel, RV/GCR  
Operation Disclosure
According to sources, DECLAS will begin once the Mueller report is released which is to be expected before Brexit is passed on the 29th.
Once DECLAS begins, all Deep State remnants will be indicted and removed.
"Drain the swamp" was the Earth Alliance's metaphor for restoring the Republic.
Meanwhile, nations around the world are announcing new "electronic currencies".
These electronic currencies are the official gold/asset-backed currencies connected to the QFS.
Watch as more nations start announcing "electronic currencies".
Undercover intelligence operatives within the banking world are actively weeding out Cabalists.
The RV is expected to begin before or by April as these events play out.

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