
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Everyone is jumping ship on the sinking Cabal boat...

Everyone is jumping ship on the sinking Cabal boat.

The transition will now be sped up because of this...

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 20, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

Military tribunals have been occurring in secret since March 1, 2018.

All Deep State actors have been undergoing these secret military tribunals since then.

Most Deep State/Cabal actors have already been sent to GITMO.

The Deep State will be exposed.

Deep State actors (McCabe) are already disclosing "semi-truths" to the public under court order via the secret military tribunals.

The EU is the last stepping stone to total worldwide GESARA compliance.

The Cabal is doing everything in their power (what's left of it) to delay Brexit and threaten further sanctions on Zimbabwe via the EU.

However, the EU parliament already voted to relieve Zimbabwe of sanctions.

Everyone is jumping ship on the sinking Cabal boat.

The transition will now be sped up because of this.

Zimbabwe is expected to announce their new (gold/asset-backed) currency very soon.

This will set an example for the rest of the world to follow thus bringing in the QFS.

Sources expect the RV to begin once all of this concludes.

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