
Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Fri. Feb. 15 Deadlines:
Deadline at midnight for all nations to be GESARA compliant.
Deadline to fund the Border Wall.
Deadline to fund the US government and avoid another shutdown.
Deadline to shut down the Federal Reserve and IRS.
Deadline for a final Brexit Vote.
Deadline for Zimbabwe to announce their new monetary policy...
There was a set time when the Global Currency Reset would take place, which could be as soon as tomorrow Feb. 13, Feb. 14, or the last of this week....
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Feb. 13 2019
Compiled 13 Feb. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces.” Articles on a CIA/Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult:…/pages/…/590/stories.html
Source: Dinar Chronicles
Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research efforts in discerning the Truth, Dale who keeps me in line and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophiles to help us Save the Children. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.
Judy Note: Notification to set redemption/exchange appointments was expected at any time (between 12 to 4 am EST) from now through Mon. morning Feb. 18. Zim redemption had already begun in higher tiers, though won’t be liquid until Tues. Feb. 19.
A. Fri. Feb. 15 Deadlines:
Deadline at midnight for all nations to be GESARA compliant.
Deadline to fund the Border Wall.
Deadline to fund the US government and avoid another shutdown.
Deadline to shut down the Federal Reserve and IRS.
Deadline for a final Brexit Vote.
Deadline for Zimbabwe to announce their new monetary policy.
Closing the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS, plus a Brexit vote would lead the way for the UK economy to crash, along with a Stock Market crash in a couple of weeks. Such would demolish the Cabal financial system and likely be followed by Martial Law in both the US and UK, plus mass data dumps on global and political elite crimes that could lead to military in the streets and mass arrests.
A crash of global markets would hide the huge influx of monies from the Global Currency Reset, while Zim redemption would not only back the GCR, but revive the Stock Market.
To further calm the masses there would likely be an announcement of the new Quantum Financial System that reset values of world currencies based on the individual countries’ natural assets/gold-backed, which would allow the RV to begin for the general public.
B. Feb. 12 2019 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#
1. The GCR could be as early as two days away (Feb. 15).
2. Front screen rates for the Zim Bond would be between 14 cents and 26 cents.
3. If you had a humanitarian project you could negotiate a higher back screen rate for your Zim Bond redemption.
4. Currencies were being traded and rates were going up.
5. Iraq printed the Dinar international rate (close to $7.00) in their Gazette yesterday Mon. Feb. 11 and they have completed everything they have to do.
6. The Dong rate could get within 8% - 10% of the Iraqi Dinar rate (around $6).
7. The Paymasters have received their release codes.
8. There was a set time when the Global Currency Reset would take place, which could be as soon as tomorrow Feb. 13, Feb. 14, or the last of this week.
C. Feb. 12 2019 Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for February 12, 2019 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)
1. Rumors suggested the military exercise in L.A. last week was an actual operation to bust a biochemical false flag attack. Other reports claimed the operation was related to human trafficking.
2. Expect Trump to declare a national emergency after the US government was shutdown once again and the UK to declare martial law if another no-vote occurred on Brexit.
3. The public would be shocked from massive data dumps, arrests and declarations of martial law. That would trigger the rest of the world to fall into a state of an emergency.
4. Almost immediately and to calm the public, the new Quantum Financial System would be announced.
5. In advance of this QFS announcement, Zimbabwe was expected to introduce a new gold-backed currency.
6. The RV remained expectant at anytime between now and the predicted events above.
D. International Child Sex Trafficking:
FBI Raids Hillary Clinton “Death Factory” As More “Deep State” Trump Attacks Exposed:
Young People’s Blood Sold: You can now buy blood harvested from young people in America … “Young blood” for sale in San Francisco
Apple Demands Natural News Stop Writing About Abortions and Satanism:… Some of the headlines named by Apple as “objectionable” include these important reports on Satanism, vampirism and blood harvesting from children, vaccines, cannabis, freedom of speech, the failed war on drugs, anti-Semitism and much more:
Canadian Youth Sports Sexual Abuse of Minors:…/sexual-abuse-of-minors-pe…/ar-BBTpPtV…
Cover Up Child Trafficking (video): (Video) Stroppy Me -- PP Covers up Child Trafficking
Satanic Cult Raided in LA (video): (Video) Satanic Cult Raided in LA, Kids Rescued!
CIA Agent Blows The Whistle We Supply Elite Pedophiles With Children (video):
Vatican priests deathbed confession, "We sexually abused deaf-mute boys as a game!…/status/1094412379981516800
E. Redemption/Exchanges:
Zim redemption appointments would be made through emergency text, or email with the number to call. You may at the time of redemption, give lists of those names you gifted Zim so they could be contacted to redeem. Currency exchange appointments would use 800#s sent out through websites or email. If you were a Zim redeemer and called an 800 number you would be steered to a redemption center in your area, or be given another number to call to obtain your redemption appointment.
F. Resources:
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
Donald J. Trump ‏verified account: @realDonaldTrump
Trump’s Email:
GCR: The master plan for the global financial system began on Sat. Feb. 1, 2003 and came to fruition on Fri. Feb. 1 2019.
Military Tribunals, complete transcripts:
C-VINE International News Network Facebook for Military Tribunals:
Trump To Impose Martial Law Part One:
Trump To Impose Martial Law Part Two:

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