
Monday, July 2, 2018

Planet Alert July 2018 ~ PEACE WITHIN ~

On July 19 all of the planets will be on one side of the sun. It has been a long time since this has happened so this is a major event. It is kind of like the energy of all the planets lining up.

This energy will be unbalanced so who knows what might happen...

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Planet Alert July 2018

The Summer solstice was awesome this year. Solar energy caused the sky to light up over the Pacific Ocean and part of the United States on the Solstice. The energy was so strong that it knocked me out for a period of three days. Some people felt the energy as very euphoric and others felt it in their bodies and emotions. I felt a combination of both. You can look at and look under June 21, 2018 and there is a map that shows the area where the sky lit up. Here is a link to the solar flare that caused that event. Solar storm hits Earth – storm FOUR times size of Earth disables radio technology.
Now we are experiencing the energy of the full moon. This full moon was on June 27, 2018 at 9:53 pm PDT. In that chart the planet Pluto was on the ascendant making a 90-degree angle to the dwarf planet Eris. She is the warrior Goddess who causes chaos. Pluto is the planet of transformation. The ascendant was on the degree that affects children. The meaning of this degree is “A five year old child carrying a bag filled with groceries”. No wonder the mistreatment of refugee children is on the scene here in the United States. Many of those children were separated from their mothers or fathers and this caused outrage from many people. I never thought something like that would happen in the United States.
The sun is now in the sign of Cancer which rules the home and family. Cancer also rules mothers. As the sun continues through the sign of Cancer the focus will be on women, children, and our families. The moon is in Capricorn and that rules governments. This means that what our government does will affect woman and children as the sun moves through the sign of Cancer.
One of the negative aspects of this full moon chart is that the planet Mars is in Aquarius making an aspect by sign to Uranus which is in Taurus. Uranus is the planet of quick changes. Taurus rules money and that could be a challenge right now.  Aquarius is a revolutionary sign and Mars is squaring Uranus, the revolutionary planet. A revolution could be brewing right now as Mars goes through its retrograde phase. Mars will be retrograde until August 27, 2018.  There could be demonstrations about the refugee issue or there could be demonstrations about woman’s issues. There could also be demonstrations about what our government is doing. Time will tell how that works out.
Now we come to the big month of July with seven major events. The first event is the solar eclipse on July 12, 2018 at 7:48 PM PDT. The sun will be on 20 degrees Cancer along with the moon. Pluto is still on 20 degrees Capricorn so this eclipse will activate more transformation energy. Because the East Coast feels the Cancer/Capricorn energy, that part of the United States will be hard hit by this eclipse energy, particularly Washington, D.C.  I hear there is going to be a summit meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin sometime in July. The Vatican energy is also coming to the foreground and there could be earth changes in that area.
On July 19 all of the planets will be on one side of the sun. It has been a long time since this has happened so this is a major event. It is kind of like the energy of all the planets lining up. This energy will be unbalanced so who knows what might happen.  Check out this video: Rare event to occur in Solar System July 19th, 2018 – Several Days.
The Mayan Dreamspell New Year will begin on July 26 and the glyph for this upcoming New Year will be The Red Cosmic Moon. Muluc is the glyph of the Red Moon. Muluc operates and relates to the world out of intensely strong feelings and reactions to these feelings and needs boundaries or some self-imposed control in which to live. Muluc needs to practice self-control and take responsibility for their lives. Muluc is ruled by the moon.
Then we have a lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018. Mars is on 3 degrees Aquarius. This degree means “The individuals self-realization through a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unbearable. The crisis symbolized here is one implying an irrevocable change of status”. This could be referring to the United States government in some way.
On July 27 Mars is also at its closest point to Earth since 2003. This makes Mars very powerful.
At this lunar eclipse the moon will be on 4 degrees Aquarius. This degree means “The goal of a true Western civilization means to a large extent the development of humanity composed of self-motivated and responsible individuals. They are clearly associating according to harmonic patterns in order to produce a vast spiritual chord of consciousness fully actualizing the potentials inherent in the archetype MAN”. This sounds good to me. It’s time to focus on manifesting peace and love within.
Pluto will cross the ecliptic in July.  Pluto is the planet ruling transformation. Does that mean our form of transformation will change at this time? Maybe we will move into our crystal bodies?
The Lion Stargate always opens on August 8. Here is an interesting article about that event.  Solstice June 2018 and the Lion’s Gate 8/8 2018.
The observatories’ in Hawaii picked up a flash of light they can’t explain yet. Its acting differently than anything they can explain. It was first detected a few days ago. Could this have anything to do with the inter-dimensional doorway that opened in Hawaii with the volcanic eruption there in May? It is an interesting development. Check out this link SPACE “Object” Like “Nothing Seen Before”
I think it is time for all of us to work together to create peace and love within. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me. We could be very powerful in creating peaceful energy if we all work together. I think the lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018 would be a good time to focus on creating this peaceful energy. That eclipse will be at 1:20 pm PDT.  Instead of changing the old, let’s create the new and raise above all the chaos that is occurring on Earth. If you are interested in something like this please join us to focus on peace and love within at the time of the eclipse in your area on July 27, 2018.
See you then.    Lots of love and blessings to all of you.
Mahala Gayle

Before you go, there are a couple of things I would like to make sure you’re aware of.
First, I’m still accepting donations and I am very thankful to everyone that shares a little with me. You have all been like angels to me over the years, thank you very much.
Second, Dave is still doing Edgar Cayce Past Life reports for a small donation. Please visit the Edgar Cayce Page on my website for details or email Dave at
I have teamed with my son so that he can provide more computerized reports for people, at a great price. There are several different reports, including Destiny Card reports, Natal Astrology reports, Compatibility reports etc. He has made videos on all of the different reports that are available for you if you join the Community. These reports will help you understand your own life. Knowing yourself is the greatest thing you can do.
The Bible says “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God within you, then all will be given unto you” In other words that means to know and love yourself just like you are.
We’re calling the program Mahala’s Community and anyone can watch what’s going on there although If you want your own reports run, you need to purchase a subscription.
I am really excited for people to start receiving all these reports. It’s like getting a book that is all about your life!
They also make excellent gifts. I think people would love to get reports that could be put in a book and given to a friend or family member. For the price of a subscription contact Dave at or start following this project on the Community Page of my website.
I love and thank all of you for reading my articles and listening to my videos.
Thank You      Thank You   Thank You
Mahala Gayle

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