
Monday, April 9, 2018


 I was going to call this, Kissing the Mirror, then I thought, Happiness, but I realized it's all about Expectations.
If we were to let go of All Our Expectations for everyone & everything including ourselves,
we could really start living the moment provided we let go of the moment as well.

We arexpecting much 'but are we living what we have NOW? if not, more won't cut it'.
What we have is Precious, Trillions wanted to be here, so are you making the most out of it?
And remember it's My Precious too & it is a Most Unique Opportunity for Experience & Unique Growth.

If you see the Vast picture, if you go Deep into meditation then you can make something good out of it each day.
Without us nothin happens, but if you're not havin fun, Why Bother? & if you're too happyou may scare people.
Life reflects where you are within yourSelf, like taking a Deep Breathe from the Bottom of the Ocean of air we live in.
Without Expecting anything Life becomes beyond Special, it becomes Anything as do we, if we but Allow it to become.
First be, by contacting the being the Absolute being each day & open your imagination thru visualizing like the Odyssey.
Turn straw into Gold with St. Germaine's UniversaLight as it purifies our thoughts, feelings & body & expands Our Heart.
I like the UniversaLight at night as it eases us into sleep & Telos with Master Adama if we choose to visit Inner Earth.

Music, Nature & lively food all invigorate & enrich our Spirit, Health & Attitude as we rise up to meet our True Self.
This illusion will be over shortly as we move on to Infinite possibilities be they relative, Absolute or yet Unknowable.
We've sunk more deeply into matter then was planned or expected & nowemerge to utilize & share our unique knowledge.
Focus on the Solutions of what you want because we're getting what we givenergy to, since that's how reality sustains itself.
A happy attitude colors the way life unfolds & people respond as we entertain fun thoughts & let pleasant dreams unfold.

Healing from the Antarians on 9 dimensions & thru time & spaceven DNA manipulation from Atlantis & elsewhere
is for the asking as is the Healing Stream thru Bruno Groening as we tune in & receive we heal more then ourselves.
So if you feelike kissing the mirror then you must knowho you really are or using it for a dessert plate or snazberries.
And Happiness you create from the happiness you've unlocked from within yourself & thru sharing it with others.
Smilevery chance you get, turn on the music & enjoy, let your mood soar, take charge of your Joy as heaven moves closer
& Closer,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack Above****


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