
Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Inside is coming to the surface of life, Deep Inside isettling in to be part of Everything we know.
This is the Change that changes each moment into Eternalove & makes All our Dreams Reality.

Time to change straw into Gold & Manifest Our Heart’s Desire even as St. Germain & Quan Yin,


Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack Above****



Excerpt from James Gilliland ECETI 12-10-17… “December Update… ‘Hecho en Mexico'”

The enlightened Chinese Elders are major players backing the white hats in putting an end to the cabal.  They have had apparitions of Quan Yin and other masters including contact with Pleiadians and other spiritually and technologically advanced beings.  They have made it very clear it is time to release the humanitarian funds.  Putin has also had contact and if there is any collusion with the Russians and China it is about ending the cabal.  I can talk about this now because it is now all over the internet.  I have said repeatedly the RV cannot happen until the round up.  It is totally irresponsible to allow billions, trillions of dollars to get into the hands of the dark hearts.  There have been many false starts and promises made in error but we are close.

The latest information confirms the Marines loyal to Trump have taken over the CIA and FBI headquarters and now have actionable evidence regarding the coup and the dirty laundry used by top politicians and the agencies to bribe and blackmail the others.  Checkmate.  With now over 5000 indictments, heads are going to roll and the swamp will be drained.

They have made it very clear it is time to release the humanitarian funds.  There have been many false starts and promises made in error but we are close.

What we are seeing is the effect, not the cause.  The cause is the earth evolving, rising in frequency.

She is being assisted on high by the source itself, God / Creator / Great Spirit whatever name you want to give it.  I say it because it is not the bearded gods of the past, it’s the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse.

It is not alone.  Masters, Saints and Sages, Ultradimensionals, Inner Earth beings, and our ancient ancestors are returning.  The Grand Reset is underway and these are what many refer to as God's armies.  The trans-dimensional war has already been won.  Now the eradication or rehabilitation of the fallen ones, some negative ETs is well underway.  The original intent was for Earth to be an Eden, a place where all life could evolve to its highest potential.  It was terraformed many times by 12 major Star Nations with others later adding their DNA, plant and animal life.  That is why geneticists cannot figure out why there is so much alien DNA on the planet and how it could have evolved naturally.  It didn’t despite the brainwashing called scientism.

Enjoy the ride, we are living in exciting times, help has arrived and now.  It is time to devote our energies to creating Heaven on Earth and living under Universal Law.

For those who do not know what Universal Law is it is the principles and understandings for a healthy society and environment.  Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.

It’s time to try something different.

Pass this on far and wide,
Be Well,
James Gilliland


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