
Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Just by doing our Part We Create Miracle after Miracle until there is nothing but MIRACLES,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
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Sun & Moon Merging in your Heart......As the Sun & Moon merge in your Heart right NOW!!!, it is a powerful technique the Most Powerful for manifesting.... linked below. You are not Stuck: You can change at will Any negative mood or emotion is draining & draws us in the wrong direction. Being mindful & taking steps to stop this even once breaks these cycles. Thistrengthens & increases our positivenergy & creative abilities. Simply puthere is a War going on & We are athe Center of it. This is more Importanthen a 1,000 messages. Being Aware of what's really going on each moment, each situation is the key. It's time to use all our energy to create what we want Now & to want whatruly fulfills. Consciously taking control is the key & doing whatever helps Uplifts us, mostly realizing We realize what Christ said, It's not nation against nation, but kingdom against kingdom. In other words it's not person against person, it's the negative forces playing their vile games. Many things help, burning a candleven leaving incense out, putting salt in the corners of each room & various techniques plus enlivening our spiritual connections as we choose. Even feeling sad, angry, impatient, dissatisfied with life are signs of negativity. Happiness underlies everythingelse & as we clear thenergies it takes it proper place in our lives. Another aspect is that as people act negatively & we let it pass easily or with someffort the negativity passes us by & then they have another chance to learn their lesson. See what a Greateacher you are. We avoid picking up by lettingo. Turning the othe cheek means noto gethat karma. Love those that scornfully use you or at least forgot abouthem. Of course if a person is acting like a jerk you can tell them Good Bye with a Smile from your Heart & just keep smilin,
Unknowably Clear in the Glow of HealinGrace *24/7*

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