
Monday, September 4, 2017

 G F UPDATE BY SHELDAN NIDLE 9-5-17 ~ Completing Our New Reality by Removing All ties to the old...

An initial flow of funding is going to launch the new NESARA Republic and end the long delays that have characterized your reality.
This one event is to historically symbolize your new reality. The purpose of this process is to complete our new reality
by formally removing all things that can in any way be tied to the old...
The cabal's minions are being separated
and, as noted previously, are being sent to a specially readied incarceration in the sky.
They are never to bother you again.
We are Birthing Our New Reality as we visualize All the Magic that is to come & Feel The Joy it is Bringing.
This Flowing Heart Center World will unlock All the Creativity, Gifts & Genius of the Planet’s Population,
p.s. There’s a Huge High Moving towards the East Coast which We canudge withe Legions of Angels.
The Jet Stream blowstorms outo Sea where they embibe the Ocean & move to a useful Purpose.
You can use the Waterfall from The Odyssey to continue to Lovingly Cool & dilute thenergies. 
Just see it, & remember Imagining is the same as Visualizing it as We Create the Changes.
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
                                                        7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik
Selamat Balik! All continues to move forward. The dark cabal persists in assuming that they are still untouchable, but this deep belief is about to be shattered. The various Light forces now possess arrest warrants to formally put away these rapscallions. This development is to also terminate the old illegal USA, Inc. and the attached-at-the-hip Federal Reserve Bank. The ugly truth is going to completely break them. The dark's future is to be revealed as they are swiftly rounded up and sent unceremoniously to the holding cells in the sky.
   This much-needed imprisonment is going to greatly shock everyone still associated with the dark ones and their ways. It is to enable the beginnings of the currency flow long promised to you. An initial flow of funding is going to launch the new NESARA Republic and end the long delays that have characterized your reality. This one event is to historically symbolize your new reality. The purpose of this process is to complete our new reality by formally removing all things that can in any way be tied to the old.
   Useless delays and mounting frustrations are to be replaced by success and joy, and a realm where you and the Light are really in charge. We urge you to please be patient as the Light finally commences the vitally needed round-up of countless scoundrels. We are to be dedicated to the fall of the old, illegal regime and their associated institutions. New technologies are to be properly introduced, but may take longer to come into effect than was first anticipated.
   Hence, know in your heart that a great deal of fundamental movement is happening behind the scenes. It is these secluded actions that are presently accounting for everything that is expected to change our current reality. We remain confident that the new communications can allow us to do what is necessary for overall success. The initial part of our strategy is complete. The rest is to quickly follow. We fully expect that your existing concerns are to be swiftly replaced by the initiation of your grand visions, which are to be put into full operation. Indeed, the best is now to come. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Heaven sees what is happening now as simply "just deserts" for the dark and its greedy minions. For a very long time, the cabal has delayed the inevitable. It has created inordinate frustrations and caused many to falsely believe that deliveries were never going to happen. Your magnificent divine visions are at last to be realized! It has taken a whole series of surprises to ultimately allow your funds to materialize. We simply ask that you thank Heaven and truly enjoy what is about to unfold.
   Heaven wants you to employ your grand passion and show just how wonderful all of this is to be. The emerging funds are to permit the new NESARA Republic, end USA, Inc and allow the new UST notes to become this nation's new gold-backed currency. The cabal's minions are being separated and, as noted previously, are being sent to a specially readied incarceration in the sky. They are never to bother you again. You are to see them in the future only as part of the final steps of this globe coming into full consciousness.
   These events took so long because time was required to successfully complete a number of crucial procedures just before you receive your initial funds. Be in joy as you are to quickly realize just how valuable this special process really was. At present, all is in place for what you have truly waited for. We simply ask you to continue on with your passion and quickly set in motion the divine prototypes that are to graciously symbolize this new and wondrous realm!
   Today, we have joyously reported what is going on across our beautiful blue-green orb. This new landscape is to witness the completion of countless enterprises that are to reshape it into a world filled with freedom, peace and boundless prosperity. Never forget, dear Hearts, that the countless and never-ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be In Joy!) It is time for all to come to fruition!!!
Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA                                                                            
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Webinar 91 Image
Welcome to PAO's
Live Webinar for September

Previously, Sheldan has presented Webinars about GF members of human origin.
Now, the Galactics would like us to meet some non-human species of benevolent beings.
In this Webinar, you will meet the beings know as Antarians,
who are related to what humansknow as the Praying Mantis.
Prepare yourselves for an intriguing and breathtaking Webinar journey!
Topics include...
Description of the Antarian home world - where they come from.
Physical description and lifestyle.
Special attributes - masters of sound and light.
How they travel
Antarians' place in the Galactic Federation

Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future

Sunday, September 17, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, September 21, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live...
simply by using your home computer

(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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