
Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Alan Watts would ask, ‘Who’s God? Who’s the Devil? You Are. Just as I’d
 tell my x,
‘The Angels are watchin yoU & Report back to God,’ which got me a ‘Shut Up!’
There’s more to that conversation but you’ll have to consult your GodSelf.,.,.,,
Altho Alan didn’t have a Living Mantra or Access to the Odyssey or the Unknowable.......
When people ask me how to meditate, I tell them learn TM or Make your Intention to call on the Grace.
TM takes you to the Absolute as goes the Grace of Ishvara, Our Almighty Father~Mother God-dess.
You just have to make your Intention to call on the Grace as Peace or Healing, Joy or whatever...
With TM it’s Automatic thru the Grace of Guru Deva, Whose Presence will fill any Stadium.
Everything I share I’vexperienced, It only takes Intention, focus & a bit of persistence.
They say when you’ready the Beloved will come to you. I knew Rajneesh’s assistant.
I asked whathessence of his teaching was & he told me Loverstay mildly aroused
& Open to the Beloved showing up, which may happen in a minute or a month.
Some see the Beloved in Everyone they meet, othersee their Self’s Reflection.
People ask what will happen to my pet when I go into the CrystaLight Chamber.
Some will go back to their Planet & tell how itook 1,000s of yrs. for us to WAKE UP.
Others will stay & teach & other have had enough & will enjoy the surface without hue-mans.
My Cat Ralph would sit @ the dinner table withis chin on the table neatly taking bits of food.
He taught himself to go on the toilet watchin my x & would sit in the car looking outhe window.
He liked animal or action shows on Tv & after he died he came back & I felt my heart & saw him as I woke.

The C
hanges have already happened but haven’t yet filteredown to the ‘our’ level of consciousnesso my Advise is to
Vibrate Up & like the Magician says, Pick a card, any card, any technique that suites you & shortlyou will know,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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