
Wednesday, June 7, 2017


The various Chinese Elder groups have kindly agreed to a more thorough and swifter procedure for the delivery system. 
It is proof that Chinese Elders do listen to some of what we say to them. Nevertheless, in our minds the methodology chosen still remains too slow for our liking.
We hope the overall approach favored by us is to become more of the general blueprint for this very complex operation...
Our preference is for this system to speed up and then permit the NESARA Republic to formally come into existence.
At that time, a number of positive things can take place. The most important to us is, of course, disclosure.
   What we wish for you is success...

I had asked abouthisituation awhile ago & thought it had been resolved but as we can see it hasn’t as of yet.

Quan Yin is in Charge of the Prosperity in the East as St. Germain is in the West & Greatly Respected.

Quan Yin is considered The Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Love and the Most Easily Accessible.

I Call Upon Her to Resolve this dilemma & Unsnag it wither Loving Kindness for All Concerned.
Those who are now doing The Odyssey I ask you to include Quan Kin as You send outhenergy.
You may just spend a few minutes or as long as is felt needed to move things along nicely.
Quan Yin may pour out Her Healing Balm to Remedy any hindrances as the Angelsign on.
We have an Opportunity to Chime In & Call forthe Future to Charm Life on This Earth
As We Transform Ourselves & OuReality In Tune withe Divine Plan of Heaven Sweetly.
See It Happening, Imagine the Image of Mutual Successesmiling Faces & Joyful words.
Tip the Cup of Compassion for All to Drink & Bathe & Reinvigorate themselves Anew.
We Are So Very Close to Seeing a Neworldawning before Us as We become One with It,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack ****


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