
Thursday, April 20, 2017

 "Pleasure in Divinity"

So we want to bask in the light of Creation. We want to embody the sensation of pleasure.
You can call that upon will, just to sort of sweep through you even momentarily...
It’s All about focus, Our Focus or Theirs... Choices, Choices!!!
p.s. I’m including a Health Tip athe bottom of this messagenjoy......
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Complimentary every week)

"Pleasure in Divinity"

April 20, 2017
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright now. This week I want to talk about Divine Energy and the experience of pleasure.
Creation has that pleasure in Divinity kind of built-in component and we’re at a time here where many sentient beings on the planet are experiencing perhaps anything but pleasure.
So we want to bask in the light of Creation. We want to embody the sensation of pleasure. You can call that upon will, just to sort of sweep through you even momentarily, while you’re doing something else. And then to perhaps fill the entire room with the feeling of pleasure or maybe I can define it a bit more, would say a lack of stress, lack of pain, lack of fear, just that pure sense of Ahh!
Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri 
(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)
Today we’ll talk about a tasty, healthy drink that’s easy to make.....
Ginger (Lemon) Tonic
To make a ginger tonic either take fresh ginger & slice ithin & put in a blender
You decide how much letsay a quart of water & a chunk of ginger sliced, add honey & lemon.
You can also use ginger powder, a spoonful or two, sweeten to taste add lemon or berries or other fruits.
Blend till smooth, taste & adjust recipe, let stand a few minutes or put in frig till chilled.
Ginger is the 2nd most popular herb in China after Ginseng, has an excellentonic effect.
Aids digestion, elimination, perks up the system especially aseasons change.
Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss is an Excellent Book on Herbs
& how they effecthe body, mind & emotions.

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