
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Forget CIA Spying TVs! Your Televisions and Monitors Are Being Used As Mind Control Devices (PROOF)

This is a small part of what’s been goin on.. with Teleporters being back engineered by ibm in the 50’s...

It goes on & on with Hi Tech & Massive Resources & ‘man’ power to the point where we are @ Now
of a possible Mass Landingshortly & the Removal of the Vast dark infra structure & it’s influence.
In the meantime We Can Share the info & Use The Grace, Violet Flametc as We Help things along,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension


If one digs deeper into who the inventor is and what the inventor has patented in his name over the last couple of decades you will come across some highly questionable technologies.  Here is a list of some of Hendricus G. Loos, the inventor, who's work is out in the public domain.
Apparently Mr. Loos has worked for the Department of Defense and DARPA as seen in this research paper.  Or you can see for yourself directly at this link here  Makes one think how far advanced these TV/Monitor technologies have become over the years.  The technology shown in the patents are in the public domain and date back a couple of decades.  Can you imagine how far along the TOP SECRET mind control technologies developed by the military industrial complex have become?  Can you imagine the damage done if these technologies fall into the wrong hands?  Do I really need to remind you of the names of suspected mind control assassins?Esteban Santiago - Accused Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter said Government Was 'Controlling His Mind': FBI -

James Holmes - An Inmate Claims that James Holmes Confessed that he was “Programmed to Kill” -

Sirhan Sirhan - Bobby Kennedy assassin still claims he was 'victim of mind control and his gun didn't fire fatal shot' in new appeal after parole is denied -

The good news is that there is a technology that was patented by Theodore A. Litovitz, Patent US5450859 A titled "Protection of living systems from adverse effects of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields".   Further research needs to be done to see if Mr. Litovitz's protection technologies are available to in the public domain.  Below is the patent that has been uploaded to my Scribd account for your reference.


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