
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

 The Matrix is Unravelling, baby! 1-12-17, by Kp…

"Why Donald Trump calling CNN ‘Fake News’ yesterday is such a wonderful thing!”
THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN as Trump Whitehouse Plans OwNews Network &
Bye Bye Press Core.....
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
The Matrix is Unravelling, baby! 1-12-17, by Kp… “Why Donald Trump calling CNN ‘Fake News’ yesterday is such a wonderful thing!”
Posted on 2017/01/12
Trump to CNN… “Your organization is terrible”
Well, this is one that’s actually written by me, rather than a re-post of one from someone else. I got quite wonderfully amused by The Donald calling out a CNN reporter who continually (and rudely, according to Donald) interrupted as he was pointing his finger to another reporter. So I’ve written a short piece, with a whole slew of videos that give a description of how this indicates that the MSM is imploding.

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