
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hilarion's Weekly Message ~ 8-21-16 ~ Restoring Divine order

The greatest value that you could offer to humanity during these coming times is unconditional love and acceptance. 
Many people will feel that they are losing their grip, their minds, everything that mattered to them.
You it is who play a valuable role as these events occur...
Sheldan’s Webinar today was very Healing & most Soothing, worth enjoying again on Thursday,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2016 8:49 AM
To: GalacticJack Furst
Subject: Hilarion's Weekly Message ~ 8-21-16 ~ Restoring Divine order
LAST CALL for ARCTURIAN TRANSMISSION Activation takes place through the use of various combinations and sequences of words Sheldan imparts with the a
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Arcturian Ship
Arcturian Craft
Activation takes place through the use of various combinations and sequences of words Sheldan imparts with the assistance of the Galactic Federation. They contain a specific vibration pattern that sets up a resonance in your suppressed RNA/DNA memory. This vibration pattern then gradually helps to activate your remembrance of those past events and/or universal truths that are embedded in your cellular memory. When the time or circumstances are right, these profound memories begin to make their appearance once again.
PAO's webinars are designed to inform, to activate, to empower, to uplift, to inspire and to bridge. This month we are blessed with a activational transmission from the Arcturians.
NOTE: If using PayPal to register for the webinar, cutoff time is 10:30 am PDT (California). We cannot help you after 11 am. We suggest you register early. Thank you.
If you are using PAO's secure shopping cart to register, you can do so until the time of the webinar.

Arcturians: Sacred Healing Masters

In this Webinar, you will learn the key role the Arcturians play in our understanding of time and its role in releasing the divine plan to this galaxy.

Integral to their sacred essence is the art of healing, as they enlighten us in the ways of harmony and the reciprocal joys of compassion.


Topics include...

• Arcturian Solar System And Description of Home Worlds • Arcturians: Physical Description
• Arcturian Ships • Arcturus’ Role in Creating an Expanded Galactic Federation • Arcturians: Creators of the Galactic Federation's Revised Medical Team Program. • Special Arcturian Update on Our Ascension Symptoms • What the Arcturians Teach Us about Divine Comfort and Divine Nurturing • Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future

Thursday, August 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Hilarion's Weekly Message

August 21-28, 2016
Beloved Ones,
You are all in the midst of ingesting yet another frequency shift. It is now occurring. There is much that is still being cleansed from your systems. You must remember, Dear Ones, that there are layers upon layers that have been encapsulated, so to speak, which require a slow, safe and gentle cleansing in order to keep you still functioning without succumbing to the chaotic energies that abound in this world or seemingly so. There is much that will be coming forth in the coming months that will make each person on the planet, that will make the minds and hearts of the people of the planet reel, trying to absorb all that is being given to them, that is being mirrored to them in the external world.
It will be a time when all the people of the world will feel fragmented and unable to deal with all the changes that are taking place but ultimately all will come together in a new way, a new beginning that will truly honor each soul upon the planet. Each of you have been prepared for these times, each of you has the training, the knowledge and the ability to be of great use in keeping stability as a primary focus. It behooves you to realize that this is the function that is required during these times, that you keep a level head and try to see the higher perspective of all that is happening and maintain stability, maintain the Light
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The greatest value that you could offer to humanity during these coming times is unconditional love and acceptance. Many people will feel that they are losing their grip, their minds, everything that mattered to them. You it is who play a valuable role as these events occur. Many people within the western worlds who have enjoyed peace and abundance living a joyful and eventful life will find themselves experiencing the feeling that their lives have bottomed out, as though they were made on quicksand. This will require your coming together and giving your energies to create that stability that will be needed. As we have said, ultimately it is all good. All that will be occurring will be good.
New ways of being, new ways of administering to the needs of the people of each nation will come into practice in a way that will be beneficial for their citizens. Those who lived in ultimate luxury will find themselves drifting without knowing what to do. During a frequency shift it is difficult to stay connected to the higher realms, this is a temporary situation and will resume when the energy fluxes have become more stabilized. In the meantime, all the hidden realities that have been kept from the people of the world will continue to come forth in record speeds. This is what will put the people of the world on overwhelm wondering how it is that they could not have known these things. They will be hard put to try to absorb all that is occurring. Tempers will be frayed as people feel overwhelmed and unable to cope.
Life on the planet will take on a surreal aspect. Eventually all will be restored to Divine order and it will be better than before. We ask the Lightworkers of the world to earnestly uphold the Light within themselves and for the highest good of all. There is a balancing that is taking place and will continue to do so until the structures of the world are renewed, restored and functioning in a more better way that takes into account the needs of all the citizens of the planet. After the chaos comes the good. Those roots will be planted firmly. It will require the combined efforts of many people to establish the new structures but it will be well worth it.
Beloved Lightworkers, you are the hope of the world, you are those who are self responsible in a new form of government where all people accept responsibility for all their thoughts, words and deeds, everything that swirls within their consciousness. For that is the Divine way, to be fully responsible for one’s self, one’s being, one’s sphere of influence in the environment around them. As more and more people realize this, peace will truly be established upon your planet. All will begin to function with great harmony. The days ahead are filled with hope, remember that. Be well, for all is well.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here
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