
Monday, August 1, 2016

,.:' Falling into the Gap ':.,

,.:' Falling into the Gap ':.,
The Gap is between the Relative & The Absolute.
We live on the physical plane in a relative creation.
Now you can access the Gap between Sunrise & Noon.
Then it's guarded by Firelementals who are about 120 feetall. You'll need to mention the name of a Master to be allowed entry. Any Master or Archangel you're connected to by technique or Devotion. Also this is best done right after meditating or visualizing to gethe Full effect. You'll be Surprised who you might meethereven your Higher Self will be glad to see you,
Jack Unknowably Clear in the Glow of HealinGrace *6*12*
p.s. Remember Intention is the key & thought is the fastest way to Travel.....

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