
Sunday, May 29, 2016


The Hammer of God is the Galactic Fleet & several million of it’ships encircle Mother Earth athis time.
Some years back I met a fellowho could see the scout ships flying above Santa Monica Blvd.
A teacher of mine had been aboard several spaceships & explained abouthe pickuprocedure.
This didn’t come about as AA Michael brokered the Peace Treaty of Anchara in 1995.
And for 20+yrs. the Light has been working to release us from the dark’s grip...
Now the Fleet is working withearth Allies to Guarantee their Success in All Areas of resistance.
Preparations for this moment are well underway & are scheduled to be implemented in June of this year.
Our part is to Meditate, Pray & Visualize Daily on these Incoming Financial, Governmental & Technological Shifts,
Seeing a Swift & Smooth Transition into Freedom, Abundance & Sovereignty of Humanity & Mother Earth Restored.
We call on the Golden Grace of Ishvara, Our Almighty Father~Mother to envelope our Ascension process & Each one of Us.
As almighty sons and daughters of Ishvara we call down the Power to end this conflict bringing in the New Age of Light.
Focus on the AnswerSolutionSuccesses, on Our Dreams & Visions and these we will bring into Manifestation as the rest fade.
Know in your Hearthe Age of Light hastarted & invites us to step into it as we shed our past & Embrace our Joys & DeLights,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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