
Thursday, April 14, 2016

"Mars & Pluto Retrograde" / "Wesak, Earth Day and Passover"

This week what we have is Mars and Pluto going retrograde and quite a bit of fire coming up...
So there’s also a very interesting component happening for Wesak on a Full Moon
which means the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is full in Scorpio
at the exact opposite side of the zodiac...
 These nextwo weeks bring in lots of energy as April becomes May & Wembrace the changes froMars to Earth Day.
Our part isimply to be Aware, Awake & Open to the Revealing of Our Dreamedestiny enveloping each moment,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Complimentary every week)

"Mars & Pluto Retrograde"

April 14, 2016
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. I just need to get a little deeper into the channel here today. We’ve got a lot going on cosmically, a lot of storm kind of debris, interference, satellite glitches. We actually record this a day before so, well sometimes a week before, which will be the case for next week’s, because Wesak will be in Santa Barbara this year here in person. It is sold out but we do have a Tele-Seminar which we’ll do next Thursday so if you’d like to sign up for that on the website, you can do so.
This week what we have is Mars and Pluto going retrograde and quite a bit of fire coming up. I am particularly concerned about the Mars retrograde and what it does to the masculine aspect and particularly so if there is a tendency to bully through something. This is really going to kind of ignite that. So as lightworkers we want to bring in more feminine light, Divine Feminine nurturing Love energy. So that’s your main focus for this week.
And then of course, we’re building up towards the Wesak Full Moon which occurs, we’ll celebrate by Tele-Seminar, on April 21 and then April 22 is when you are going to have the exact configuration, which is also Earth Day. So that will be our next Spirituality Article.
As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Complimentary every week)

"Wesak, Earth Day and Passover"

April 21, 2016
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. We’re going to work with violet flame first and I’m going to say we want to see the violet fire really almost in a cooling way because we’ve got Mars and Pluto retrograde now. We have Wesak, Earth Day and Passover all kind of lumped together and it’s fitting that the Full Moon is also on Earth Day because we need to bring quite a bit of light and anchor that energy into Mother Earth.
So there’s also a very interesting component happening for Wesak on a Full Moon which means the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is full in Scorpio at the exact opposite side of the zodiac. That is how it is esoterically determined.
We have a very interesting phenomenon of layers of time kind of converging so past, present and future converging, which means it’s a very miraculous time period to move energy and to co-create what you do what. So be focused on positive things. please.
Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

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