
Sunday, November 15, 2015

The David Lynch Foundation and Citi will present this year’s “Change Begins Within” benefit concert

+ Learning TM Has Been a Game-Changer
OCTOBER 7, 2015
Enjoy a TM Retreat

Transcendental Meditation News
Video of the Month: Media Women Who Practice TM

01Special events

Change Begins Within DLF benefit concert at Carnegie Hall
The David Lynch Foundation and Citi will present this year’s “Change Begins Within” benefit concert at Carnegie Hall on November 4, hosted by David Lynch and George Stephanopoulos, to bring the TM technique to some 10,000 victims of abuse and veterans suffering with PTSD. BONUS: 50% of your ticket price will be donated to your local TM Center scholarship fund.


imageJim Jamesimage
Jim James
Talks about
His TM

imageKyle Kranichimage
“Learning TM
Has Been a

Singer/songwriter Jim James, who will be performing at the upcoming David Lynch Foundation benefit concert, recently spoke to Rolling Stone magazine about his coming performances and the role TM plays in his life. “I think for people to explore Transcendental Meditation is one of the best things they can do. It’s one of the best things anybody can do... It’s a really beautiful gift that you can carry with yourself for the rest of your life.”
TM Blog recently asked its Facebook followers to submit their stories of learning and practicing the TM technique. Kyle Kranich says, “I started doing TM on Valentine’s Day just this year. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis four years ago at the ripe age of 21, and I have been looking for any kind of solution that would improve my quality of life. Learning TM has been a game-changer.”

Consciousness Talks

Women in the Media Who Practice TM
Enjoy part 3 of this remarkable DLF fundraising event, where several media celebrities gathered to raise awareness and bring TM to at-risk individuals in NYC. In this uplifting conclusion, a single mother and her gifted son share their story of hope and triumph.
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