
Monday, November 30, 2015

Ishvara's Golden Grace Light


For those of you who’d like to Activate the Grace Light, it is yOur Birthrighto Lighthe World.
You can focus the Golden Grace Lighthru your Heart & send it forth as Peace or another Quality.
Sending ito the Sun will create a Deluge of Grace Lighto flood Mother Earth & the Solar System.
Wherever & Whenever you share Ishvara’s Golden Grace it will bring Our Almighty Merciful Father’s
& Our Almighty Mother’s Loving Presence with it as Healing, Joy, Abundance, Beauty, Wisdom & More.
This Golden Grace Light is Our Light as Sons & Daughters of Ishvara struck off the Eternal Flame about One Hundred & Fifty Trillion years ago athe start of this Cosmic Day of 311 trillion + years.
The Unknowable is beyond the Absolute which is beyond the Relative & Far Vaster then both.
We are connected to the Unknowable by a point of Light on our body, justhink Unknowable
& it will reveal itself to you. The Absolute is here as is the Unknowable here right Now!
We are climbing the neverending ladder of evolution into what is called the Unknowable.
The Relative Absolute is 25% Relative & 75% Absolute, then there’s the Absolute Absolute.
Thereverything is created instantly perfect & lasts forever new, Lord Narayanam is thembodiment
of the Absolute, Lord Krishna being the Highest Godhead we know of & is over 100,000 Creations,
his nameans Beautiful One. Beyond that is the Unknowable, it’s part of Us but as of yet Unrevealed.
The UnKnowable Heartouch brings in that energy thru out Heart activating Ishvara’s Golden Grace.
There’s a myriad of ways to utilize & experience thesenergies by sharing Love, Mercy & Grace.
Nowe send Ishvara’s Golden Grace Lighthru our Hearts to hasten the Ascension on Earth.
Wherever Grace & Light & Love are warranted, we can intercede & See it as Opportunity.
It’s almost as if we could Materialize the Results we Seek, for sure far More Quickly.
Be aware of your Power, Your Heritage, Your Status & Your True Purpose & Live It,
Opening to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Light of Our Ascension

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