
Friday, November 20, 2015

A Heartwarming Experience that Lingers


Last night I weote this but was so heart enraptured that I just floated in the bliss of those moments.

Sheldan also mentioned thathe Paris attack was just partially done, so we can be thanful for that.

Looking forward to Sunday as the Sirian work their Magic & Reveal much to each of us present..

The cabal are negotiating their surrender & there are no more obstacles as our prosperity births.

The idea of Bliss, prosperity, technology, self knowledge & increased abilities brings Joyfulness,



I’m feeling very serene as thenergies of tonight’s webinar sweetly sit with me warming my heart.

The Sirian Presence is Unique, a soft gentle caring that fills in all the spaces to overflowing.

It’s nice when the sunshines thru your heart & fills you with a contentment beyond words,

Opening to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

p.s. Sheldan had hurt is knee but nevertheless was in rare form as we approach the inevitable.



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