
Saturday, October 10, 2015

What Will Happen?

There are many possibilities as we move beyond this fabricated illusion.
As the prosperity enters our lives we will be regaining our Freedom.
5,000 + inventions & 25,000 + modalities will be released as well.
Will we be able to speak French via a website or phone recording,
or by listening a Tv or radio become an architect or engineer....
Maybe you’ve wanted to play the piano or sing opera or jazz.
Illiteracy erased in a feweeks, Vast Knowledge given to all.
Things like telepathy, reading auras & Creative Abilities
will become ours, this or any number of others ways
as we rebuild our world & rediscover our latent selves.
Now, Right Nowe can Expand Our Influence. Our Part in this Daily Drama.
By making ourselves Consciously Available to the Light as we go to sleep each night.
Just Remember, “I Open to work withe Lighthis night.” & You will Remember each nightopen...
Wealth, Knowledge & Our Abilities are coming into each of our lives & as We Imagine,
So It Is,
Opening to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

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