
Sunday, August 2, 2015

7 to 10 DAYS

This Vast Process of Change continues to move forward as a Summer of Surprises is Ready to Reshape Reality.
During the months of August, September expecthe Shifto Happen as we move into a new banking system.
7 to 10 Days of no credit cards or checks may require enough cash, food and water for that period.
Much Effort creating the Many changes have led us here as the Ultimate Conclusions Manifest.
Our Objective is In Sight, Our Focus Intensifies the Shift, Our Efforts Join withe Divine Plan.
We know the Truth as Our Inner Shift is the Result of Many Realignments & Activations.
Preparevenow for the Greater Energies with Deeperest, Nutrition & a Light Heartedness.
Our Time Approaches making All things New and Filled withe Joy of Our Ascension,
Opening to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

PP (Prosperity) programs first, then NESARA,
rv (Revaluation) and gcr (Global Currency Reset),
Disclosure..... First Contact & Our Missions Fulfilled in Love

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