
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

44 Strands of DNA HOORAY!!!!!

Here is an Opportunity to Activate more of our 144 Strands of DNA, a Blessing from the Goddess.
Even Archangels & Ascended Masters stop to stand in Her Presence as they are Lifted.
Now there is a utube to share & Enjoy & Experience the Journey Deeply Richly,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension
p.s. This Works Most Beautifully

Goddess Light Teleconference: Activating Your DNA

Sunday, February 17, 2013
The Goddess began this channel with speaking of love and referencing the last channel which was Pure, Unconditional Love from 02-03-13. The energy immediately was flowing through all who were present. From there she shifted in the place where everyone’s higher self resides.
One of the differences in the channels since the beginning of 2013 is that the Goddess is creating a space where we can really know our higher selves. Prior to this year, we would shift to the magnetic grid; pause and then move into the crystalline grid; pause and then move into the Soul Plane. As a part of the shift in energies, she’s working with everyone so that you’ll really know your higher self and have a greater ease with connecting to that energy.
Once we were in the All That Is, the Goddess began talking about DNA. She spoke of the various strands and the transitions that are taking place. She said that there were a potential for 144 strands of DNA to be activated. She also said that the higher strands were in alignment with the higher dimensions and levels of vibration.
As she spoke of the DNA, she invited everyone to align with their own as a form of reference. I could see the parts of DNA that aligned all of humanity to each other. As each person was linking with their DNA, she spoke of the various experiences that people have in their lives. She gave as an example; perhaps 50 people have a particular strand or pattern say that aligned with cancer; 20 people got cancer, some had a scare, some had no reaction. She spoke of the intention we make prior to being born for certain things to happen in our lives. So while some may have a potential for something, they never tap into it. She spoke of how we can work with the DNA to create a change. I perceived strands where many were dormant, but certain ones were highlighted or different. In aligning with those that were illuminated, but associated with something we wanted to move beyond; she spoke of working with the energy to shift it and create a greater balance. It was truly very powerful!!
From there she pulled it all together by bringing in the Lightbody energies as our highest, lightest vibration. Then allowing that to flow through illuminating our mental bodies, emotional and physical bodies, it gave us a chance to shift through those parts of ourselves. So in essence, we can make changes in our lives, from the level of our most basic physical – our DNA to our lightest most transparent – our Lightbody. What was interesting to me was that our DNA was in alignment with our Lightbody to a degree; as if all came full circle.


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