
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul

Breathe in the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes and fill your Being with the essence of Divine Light and Peace.....  and create your Life as an Adventure of Love and Creativity!...

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 8:55 PM
Subject: Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul
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The Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul

by Celia Fenn~ May, 2015
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Beloved Ones, when you shift way from the idea of a "continuous" history and personal story, you begin to perceive that the Soul is multi-dimensional and exists on many levels. It's narratives are in the past and the future and in the present moment, which is the point of origin.
The Soul is the Galactic Voyager and the Diamond Story Teller. It spins the Diamond Light of Creation into a multitude of colors, lights, experiences and stories. It is your delight, Beloved Ones, to work with the Soul and to spin these stories and songs into manifestation on your Fifth-dimensional New Earth.
The month of May will give you many opportunities to loosen the hold of the Ego Mind and align with the creative impulses of the Soul and Heart, and express yourself in a new way.
As you harmonize your Heart and your Light Body with the incoming Diamond Codes or Creation Codes that are contained in the Galactic and Solar Light Transmissions from the Divine Heart and the Councils of Light, you will feel "inspired" to start creating your life as a work of Divine Inspiration. You will seek to harmonize with the music of your Soul and of Spirit and live in this Light.
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As you make this transition, you may feel some uneasiness and pain in the Solar Plexus area. This is the part of the body that represents the Ego MInd, and as the mind releases its hold on your reality and lets go, many old patterns that cause pain are being released. These releases may be experienced as physical pain in the digestive system, where experience itself is "digested", or as anxiety, insomnia and bad dreams. The best way to work with this is just to breathe deeply and allow the Diamond Light to dissolve all old patterns of reality and stress that you no longer need in your life. Make space for more Joy and Love and Abundance. Make space for Dreams and Creativity!
The Soul has many songs to sing and stories to tell, and is waiting for that moment when you become a Galactic Story Teller, a Star Dancer or a Singer of Celestial Music, and when you ground these creations into your life on Earth. As you open to this Higher Consciousness, you will fill with the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness and the Brilliant White Light of the Diamond Codes. As you move closer to your Soul, you begin to experience the Brilliant Center of the Heart of All That Is, which is the Home of the Soul. Here, in the Diamond Light you experience Silence and No Time, you experience Cosmic Love and Divine Multi-patterned Light, you experience Deep Peace. And then, you bring these back into your Heart and you sing dance and write them into manifestation in the "story" that is your life!
So, Beloved Ones, as you meditate or simply sit in silence, ask your mind to gently release its hold on your reality creation and allow the Soul/Higher Self to be a partner and to lead your reality creation. Breathe in the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes and fill your Being with the essence of Divine Light and Peace.....and create your Life as an Adventure of Love and Creativity!

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• How we will benefit from new (Lemurian) Science

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