
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mahala ~ WebRadio Mon. 5-18 @ 4:30 pm PCT- Cosmic Contacts Show

Mahala says to get ready because of the higher electro- magnetic energy coming in through September, we will definitely be experiencing more changes...

Enjoy Mahala's insights as the show on Earth continues & we decide how to react,

Radio show announcement – Cosmic Contacts Show

From Pam.
Welcome Everyone to the Cosmic Contacts Show!
To easily access the internet show go to ,  
4:30 pm PDT or 6:30 pm CST.
My ‘special guest’ this Monday May 18th., is Mahala World Astrologer, we are always excited and blessed to have her on the show. Mahala says to get ready because of the higher electro- magnetic energy coming in through September, we will definitely be experiencing more changes. Mahala calls it the ‘Earth’s Resonance Rising (Hz)’ as we continue to make this quantum shift into our light bodies. Get on line early to find out what the changes are and how they will effect us. Call in if you have a question for Mahala 347-838-9142, Annie the moderator will get you in. To contact Mahala’s web-site, and be sure and sign up for her ‘free’ monthly newsletter,
From the HeartEmoji


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