
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Dr. Pillai's Mother's Day Message

The Mother Goddess comes to Earth & the story of our lives begins & is filled with Purpose,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breaths of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****


Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 05:46:13 -0700
To: ompoem
Subject: Dr. Pillai's Mother's Day Message
Nadi Reading4th Waning MoonInstant InsightHoPE for Children

Mother's Day: Invoke the Mother Goddess
Dr. Pillai's Mother's Day Message

24 Hours
Ant Ishwara: Enhances Strategic Thinking & Super Intelligence

Dr. Pillai Quote


Happy Mother's dayThis year Mother's day takes place on Sunday, May 10th. On Mother's Day it's important to take time to recognize and feel gratitude for all the women in your life who helped raise you and continue to love you. They are the living archetypes of the Divine Mother. Remember, the shortcut for attaining your material and spiritual goals is to create an emotional bond with an Archetype. You can start with the women in your life, because women are the living archetypes of the Divine Mother.
Divine Care & Protection for Your Mother

Dr. Pillai's Mother's Day Message

Dr. Pillai's Mother's Day Message"Most of the problems of the world are due to the willful downplay of Feminine energy.The Feminine represents pure, unconditional love. When we politically, socially, economically and emotionally do injustice to the Feminine then there will be more natural disasters around the world. It is time that we correct our perception and the way we treat and respect the Feminine. Let us do this from this Mother's Day onwards.
I want to give you an example from Ramana Maharishi's life. Ramana Maharishi left home as a teenager to meditate at Thiruvannamalai. He realized that he was not the body, not the mind, and not even his individual soul. At this time Ramana Maharishi's mother came to see him. Ramana Maharishi totally ignored her, saying that he is not attached, that he had no mother or father and was attached to no one. But his mother was more stubborn and stayed on at Thiruvannamalai. She was resolute that her son would one day come back and recognize her. It happened as she wished. She fell dangerously ill and Ramana Maharishi came to her and started nursing her. It was time for her to die. Ramana Maharishi put hishand on her heart and dissolved all of her remaining latent karma. When her soul left the body, he declared that she would not seek another body.
Strangely enough, he then built a temple for his mother in the land where he was living. This is a very critical happening for the ashram. After the mother's shrine was built, money began to flow in from all over the world. He called the temple, "Mother God Temple". If you want to experience miracles in your life, you should re-establish your bond with your mother. If she is already deceased, you can still do it, because the spirit never dies. On this upcoming Mother's Day, invoke the Mother Goddess and help revive the world and bring back love, prosperity, and abundance.
Another service that I strongly encourage you to do is a yearly birth star pooja for your mother's birth star. I remember somebody saying that the country will be judged by the way it treats its women. It is an absolute truth. I know that some of you have not been speaking to your mother for a long time. Make sure to call her and let her know that you love her. Just by establishing your contact with your mother, you will certainly see miracles in your life. " -Dr. Pillai, Founder of AstroVed

Mother's Day Rituals for Your Mother's Health & Longevity

Mother's Day RitualsThis is an auspicious time to remember and honor Mothers who have departed with a special ancestral ritual on May 10th. AstroVed has arranged for this ritual to ensure that departed Mothers find relief. She will bless you both materially and spiritually.
Join in these special prayers and show your love for both, the Universal and your biological Mother.
  • Fire ritual to Moon on May 10th at AstroVed Fire Lab
  • Ayush Fire Ritual for Mother's longevity on May 10th
  • Dhanvantri Fire Ritual for Mother's good health on May 10th
  • Archana to Goddess Parvati (Universal Mother) at her Powerspot on May 10th
  • Group Tarpanam for deceased Mother at Kerala
Mother's Day Rituals: Health, Well-Being & Happiness

Astrology Behind Mother's Day

Astrology Behind Mother's DayAstrologically, 2015 is a special Mother's Day. The Moon which signifies Mother will be in Capricorn and will directly aspect its own sign Cancer. Moreover, the Moon will be in its own star Shravana after 11:57 am on this day. The great benevolent Jupiter will be in the sign Cancer which is the 4th house of Natural zodiac representing Mother. The Moon in the 10th house of natural zodiac and receiving the aspect of Jupiter helps ensure that tarpanam rituals performed for deceased Mothers will be successful and create positive karma and blessings for you to lead a problem-free life. In addition, since Jupiter aspects the Moon, blessings from your Mother is assured.
Receive Blessing & Protection from Your Mother

24 Hours: Ant Ishwara: Enhances Strategic Thinking& Super Intelligence

Ant IshwaraSiddhas are spiritual scientists and they also study nature, including the world of ants. They have profound insights into the consciousness of ants. The Siddha tradition actually attributes the knowledge of nuclear and computer science to ants. While this may seem strange to the western world just look at what recent researchers have to say about ants - Click for Article: Your Ant Farm is Smarter than Google.
Ant Wisdom: Higher Knowledge - Computer Science

Ant Ishwara: Shiva the Lord of Ants

Shiva the Lord of AntsThe Siddhas' interest in ants was not a matter of satisfying intellectual curiosity. They recognized a supreme intelligence at work and if it could be accessed it would be very helpful for humans. They named the source of this intelligence, Ant Ishwara or Shiva: the Lord of Ants. Shiva gives ants the intelligence required to create incredibly sophisticated ant colonies that range in size from that of a walnut to supercolonies that are over 1,000 miles long. However, most importantly the Siddhas created tools so you too can acquire this consciousness and activate your own super-intelligence.
Ant Ishwara: Gives Strategic Thinking & Super Intelligence

To Your Health, Wealth and Happiness,,
Ramkumar (Senior AstroVed Astrologer),
Michael (Throtaka) Mulloy


Varga chartIn Astrology, the 12th Varga chart (Dwadasamsa) reveals your parents.Look to Sun & 9th house for father, and the Moon and 4th house for Mother. While it is true that the Moon and 4th bhava point represents your Mother, so does Mars.Mars shows the ability of the Mother to protect and nurture.

Did You Know?

Exalted planetsExalted planets, being powerful, can actually produce the worst effects.Especially when they rule bad houses (6, 8 and 12). Exalted planets are good when they own and are placed in good houses, and are only aspected by good planets.


Upcoming Events & Final Reminders

May 06:

Ants have Better Search Algorithms than Google

The Siddhas' interest in ants was not a matter of satisfying intellectual curiosity. They recognized a supreme intelligence at work and if it could be accessed it would be very helpful for humans. They named the source for this intelligence, Ant Ishwara or Shiva the Lord of Ants...Read More

May 11:

Astrology behind Nataraja Abhishekam & 8th Waning Moon

We will be conducting two powerful ceremonies for Lord Mahadeva: Nataraja Abhishekam& 8th Waning Moon rituals. Astrologically, the planetary alignments support positive transformation in your life. The day is ruled by the Moon and the star is Dhanistha. The Moon will also aspect Jupiter in Cancer. This is very auspicious and it ensures that the rituals performed for Lord Shiva will be successful...Read More

May 15:

Vishnupati: Time for Wealth & Material Prosperity

Vishnupati is the time we can connect with the preserver archetype, Vishnu. This coming Vishnupati is on Thursday, May 15th, and of all the fixed signs, Taurus is the most material. This means that long lasting tangible wealth can be created with proper rituals when Sun enters Taurus...Read More
4th Waning MoonTripura FoundationLive Astrological Consultation
Disclaimer: Our Sincerest Prayers are done on your behalf; however, we cannot guarantee results. Results are purely in the domain of God.
It's All In The Timing

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