
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Bask in pure Love - Amma's North American Tour Announcement!

When you think of the Flowing Divinectar AMRITA in your Hearthink of AmmA..AmMa Amma..... 
Amma brings Her Divine Love & Sweet Presence to North America to Embrace All Within It,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

In a city near you - bask in pure Love - Amma's North American Tour Announcement!

Beloved Co-Creator of Heaven on Earth,

If you have met and experienced the Incarnation of God on Earth, and the Oceanic Love that Avatar Her Holiness Sri Mata Amritanandamayi shares . . . Holy Mother "Ammachi" . . . "the Hugging Saint" . . . then you know how priceless it is to spend a day or two basking in the Sunshine of Her Radiance.

If you have never experienced Her, give yourself a treat. There is nothing to join, no cost, no obligation, nothing to believe in, and no religion or cult to be influenced by. She is just pure, universal, unconditional Love . . . and has made her world mission totally devoted to hugging and blessing as many people as possible. She has already hugged an estimated 40 million people. Miracles happen around her. She sits for up to 22 hours a day in constant bliss, blessing people, without food or drink. She exists on the "amrit" . . . which as you may have noticed, is part of her name, "Mata Amritanandamayi". "Amrit" means "divine nectar".

Mata - Mother (title) ananda - bliss
Amrit - divine nectar mayi - mother (divine)
She lives up to her name. Every day, for those with eyes to see, she demonstrates the supernormal powers of God Realization. She is omniscient, and you can ask her anything. Fabulous music is performed by her traveling band, and people dance to it. You will meet some of the most beautiful and unusual people of all kinds, from all over the world, in her gatherings. I've been seeing her once a year when she comes on tour, and you may wish to do the same. I'll be attending this year at her Seattle venue, and she is going to 11 cities in North America in May, June, and July 2015. See her tour locations at Read more about her at

. . . Love, Taansen  

AumAmriteswaryai Namah      

Jai Jai MA!
Amma is coming to America!


XFINITY Arena at Everett ~ All programs are FREE
May 30 - 9 AM

May 30 - 8 AM

May 30 - 5:30 PM

June 1 - 4:30 PM


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