
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Crossing the Bridge of Light ~ L'Aura Pleiadian

The Great Journey is the Journey of the Heart, they said. It is the most Natural Journey, and yet the most challenging.
One must leave behind the understanding of the Heart through the Mind, to enter Deeply and fully the experience and Knowing of the Heart...


Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2015 7:43 PM
Subject: Crossing the Bridge of Light ~ L'Aura Pleiadian
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

We were created to be here at this time ~ that's right, it is in our spiritual contract to wake up to a higher consciounsess and to be of service.
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We are here in service to raise the frequency on Earth and to shine the Light for those that are finding their way home.
The great majority of people on the planet see only the world of illusion because they are living out of the lower vibrations and negative energies of their egos. To change the world we must change our perspective, our consciousness. We must draw forth from within a new awareness, understanding and knowledge of the universe ~ to connect with our I AM Presence, our true nature. And with each degree in the shift of our consciousness, more true Reality is revealed to us outwardly in our world.
Can you feel that the energies have shifted recently? Can you feel that we are being uplifted more than ever? The illusion is finite but the Truth of who we are is infinite.
Keep shining your Light bright ~ illuminating our new reality. Truly, Together we are Victorious!
Selamat Ja!
Sheldan Nidle DVDs


by Pleiadian Delegate ~ L'Aura Pleiadian
These Beautiful Beings of Light ~ asked me to enter my Light Body fully and cross the Bridge of Light to meet them. They had been Observing me and wanted me to know that they were present, and that they were observing all the changes taking place within the Hearts of those on Planet Earth.
As I crossed the Bridge of Light, and walked through as Light, they welcomed me to their present home, their place of Being~ in-between dimensions. This was their world. In dazzling robes of Violet Light they greeted me with Love, and welcomed me with great Joy. They were holding within their Hearts, Love for humanity and Love for all Beings and Hearts and Souls everywhere.
The Great Journey is the Journey of the Heart, they said. It is the most Natural Journey, and yet the most challenging. One must leave behind the understanding of the Heart through the Mind, to enter Deeply and fully the experience and Knowing of the Heart.
In the Journey of the Heart there are no regrets, they said. We Love over and over, and the pain in the Heart is the Heart stretching to Greater and Greater Love.
Their Love encompassed everything. There was nowhere where their Love was not.
This too, is the Heart Opening like a flower, its Beautiful Presence permeates everything.
Filled with so much Love ~ I knew that is All There Is. Deep in my Heart the Bridge of Light Lives. I travel Often to many worlds, to many temples, every night and Day, and Often I am Present in many all at once.
The Love that is Everywhere, is the journey that is taking Place within the Hearts of all those that Desire Love, on Planet Earth. This is the Home that you have sought. This Home is your Heart, It is within you, it is Love and it is Yours and it is You, Everywhere.
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Interdimensional Love"

The Love energy is really sort of the fabric of this Universe. It is the main lesson that everyone is learning. So you’re incarnate to master Love essentially....

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Complimentary every week)

"Interdimensional Love"

May 28, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. You know we have some very interesting energies going on right now with the Mercury retrograde and the Neptune energies and Venus. So really what I’m going to encourage as a focus for this week is Interdimensional Love.
The Love energy is really sort of the fabric of this Universe. It is the main lesson that everyone is learning. So you’re incarnate to master Love essentially. And we have the opportunity to work with the point of Love in this moment and sending it forth or, might I say, experiencing it multi-dimensionally in all dimensions at the same time.
So that would for example take present moment Love and send it to all moments in your childhood, all moments in your future, all moments in past lives, future lives, and through the dimensions of existence.
So simply see yourself as a point of light, a point of Love, and then radiate out in all directions. Sometimes you see this depicted in saints and Masters or images of a light shining through the darkness, whatever it is. Go ahead and feel that core of Love in your consciousness radiating through all dimensions instantaneously and therefore it really kind of collapses back into the present moment into that point of Love. I think you’re going to enjoy playing with it.
As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul

Breathe in the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes and fill your Being with the essence of Divine Light and Peace.....  and create your Life as an Adventure of Love and Creativity!...

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 8:55 PM
Subject: Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul
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The Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul

by Celia Fenn~ May, 2015
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Beloved Ones, when you shift way from the idea of a "continuous" history and personal story, you begin to perceive that the Soul is multi-dimensional and exists on many levels. It's narratives are in the past and the future and in the present moment, which is the point of origin.
The Soul is the Galactic Voyager and the Diamond Story Teller. It spins the Diamond Light of Creation into a multitude of colors, lights, experiences and stories. It is your delight, Beloved Ones, to work with the Soul and to spin these stories and songs into manifestation on your Fifth-dimensional New Earth.
The month of May will give you many opportunities to loosen the hold of the Ego Mind and align with the creative impulses of the Soul and Heart, and express yourself in a new way.
As you harmonize your Heart and your Light Body with the incoming Diamond Codes or Creation Codes that are contained in the Galactic and Solar Light Transmissions from the Divine Heart and the Councils of Light, you will feel "inspired" to start creating your life as a work of Divine Inspiration. You will seek to harmonize with the music of your Soul and of Spirit and live in this Light.
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As you make this transition, you may feel some uneasiness and pain in the Solar Plexus area. This is the part of the body that represents the Ego MInd, and as the mind releases its hold on your reality and lets go, many old patterns that cause pain are being released. These releases may be experienced as physical pain in the digestive system, where experience itself is "digested", or as anxiety, insomnia and bad dreams. The best way to work with this is just to breathe deeply and allow the Diamond Light to dissolve all old patterns of reality and stress that you no longer need in your life. Make space for more Joy and Love and Abundance. Make space for Dreams and Creativity!
The Soul has many songs to sing and stories to tell, and is waiting for that moment when you become a Galactic Story Teller, a Star Dancer or a Singer of Celestial Music, and when you ground these creations into your life on Earth. As you open to this Higher Consciousness, you will fill with the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness and the Brilliant White Light of the Diamond Codes. As you move closer to your Soul, you begin to experience the Brilliant Center of the Heart of All That Is, which is the Home of the Soul. Here, in the Diamond Light you experience Silence and No Time, you experience Cosmic Love and Divine Multi-patterned Light, you experience Deep Peace. And then, you bring these back into your Heart and you sing dance and write them into manifestation in the "story" that is your life!
So, Beloved Ones, as you meditate or simply sit in silence, ask your mind to gently release its hold on your reality creation and allow the Soul/Higher Self to be a partner and to lead your reality creation. Breathe in the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes and fill your Being with the essence of Divine Light and Peace.....and create your Life as an Adventure of Love and Creativity!

Merging Science Into Spirituality is now ready for downloading...

In this singular time of human history, spirituality and science are in the process of converging into a new paradigm.

Check our Webinar Video Preview: Spiritual Wisdom

In this Webinar, you will learn the role science plays in merging with our path to full consciousness.

Topics include...
• Science of Lemuria Returns: Breaking the Matrix using Spiritual Science
• Exploring Spiritual Wisdom: The science of miracles
• The New Harmonics tap into the World of Spirit
• Look to nature for answers
• Understanding what we can't see or prove
• How we will benefit from new (Lemurian) Science

To order Webinar 61 Archive: Click here

Price: $13.95 U.S.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5-26-15 G F Update by Sheldan Nidle ~ Light to penetrate every aspect.

Your lengthy time in bondage leaves you with a grand inner wisdom about how the dark worked in this galaxy. Out of this comes a means to teach and to permit the Light to penetrate every aspect. You are to be truly celebrated and make your star nation legendary!..

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
                                 3 Cimi, 4 Pax, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come now to report to you what is happening on your world. The dark cabal remains full of tricks. The dark forged a world in which dishonesty and deception were to be honored and the dishonesty and trickery is truly immense. This fact led to an outbreak of such deception that it soon became obvious that only those trusted by the Light were able to carry out their assignments swiftly and fairly. Thus, we have decided to employ only those who can complete their designated duties without incident. To accomplish this, we have created a service pool made up of a special group of Beings. Unlike most humans, these individuals are quite capable of easily carrying out their assigned duties. Over the past few months we have carefully chosen these magnificent individuals to resolve a number of current difficulties and enable us to complete the new transfer system. Therefore, we are now finishing some tests and intend to begin en masse in the coming month. Nonetheless, there is still more to tell you about what we are doing to safely send out your blessings.

Over the past few months, we have been working closely with our earthly allies and the Agarthans on how best to defeat the many restrictions put forth by the dark cabal and their banker friends. We began with a series of mass arrests of the lower echelon personnel. These people were most closely associated with the daily workings of this onerous system. The effect of this was as before: it created only a temporary slowdown in the operation of their system. It was then decided to help many other nations to invest in a more fair and free transfer system, which had the ability to bypass the current one. This system was prudent. However, this alternative was not really designed to globally begin until the end of this Gregorian Year. Hence, it was decided until then to use a system where the key personnel was to consist of individuals that were reliable and trustworthy. It is this system we have presently turned our attention to, and it seems to be a most wonderful temporary fix.
As we are busy resolving this set of problems, our liaisons are advising those who are forming the new NESARA government. This particular step is the beginning of a process, which is to eventually lead to galactic society. Your governance needs to become an open transition between what is the best for you (open governance) and your fully conscious future. Government was originally the province of the privileged. In your society, money "talks." It is how elections and legislatures are controlled and managed by the oligarchy (the few really wealthy families). This arrangement is really not something that can support public policy. Government requires that it be opened up to all. This is where NESARA came in. We support it simply because any aging non-responsive system needs a massive re-structuring. This redo needs to restore this system back to its original principles. This is where NESARA now stands: at the very edge of manifesting. As the blessings pour in, this system can finally be relevant to these times!
NESARA is based on you becoming willing to aid those who comprise this governance. As you become one in prosperity, you can start to interact with this governance and even become a public pool of competence, which can use its general wisdom to aid the changes required to return this governance to its original purpose. This new higher consciousness society can more easily understand the direction NESARA mandates. Hence, there is to be a broader consensus on how to move this governance through its four difficult months of change. After that, you are to be a very informed electorate, which can elect those who further carry on the changes proposed by the NESARA government. One of the things to be implemented by this governance is an end to the UFO cover up. This allows us to open a dialogue between us. This is the beginning of a transfer of wisdom and technology that is to be the foundation for a truly wondrous society. It means as well that we can land and introduce our mentors to you.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The present time is about focus and divine service. Long ago, Heaven decreed the length of your time in limited consciousness was to go. In these sacred decrees, Heaven clearly stated that your existence in this strange reality was to be limited to a period of just over twelve and one-half millennia. You have served that period faithfully. In effect, you have met every requirement and proved your mettle to Heaven. Heaven has, in good faith, sent us help. This help has made possible the events that are just beginning to happen. These events include your blessings and new, transparent governance. These things are to greatly alter how this reality operates. We have asked you to learn focus. Use it to support the manifesting of a number of important events. At present, the old, dark cabal is fading. Use this focus to continue to imagine a new reality. Together, we can create a wondrous new reality!
What we are discussing is how you have used your abilities to overcome a great frustration caused by the dark and used by them to lengthen their time in power. Nevertheless, you are magnificent in continuing to believe and despite numerous obstacles to see all of this through. The dark is now rapidly fading as its many heinous schemes fail. You are to be commended for this. What we simply ask as we reach the end of this long, dark tunnel is to carry on. Support those elements, which with the Creator’s mighty will, are to cast out these demons and replace their horrors with the wonders of the Light. In this repose, you are to prosper, gain wisdom and finally reunite with your spiritual, space and Inner Earth families! Much joy is to be yours! Rejoice and truly celebrate what lies ahead.
Thus, you have much to be thankful for! Heaven and her multitude of helpers are paving the way for a new reality and a new, all-inclusive consciousness. You are about to learn much about yourselves and your distant ancestors who came here to be the stewards, along with the cetaceans, of this grand reality. You are to discover your next series of events, which are to cast you into the first phase of your divine service with Heaven. You are to start to spread your excellent joy and wisdom to every aspect of this galactic reality. Your lengthy time in bondage leaves you with a grand inner wisdom about how the dark worked in this galaxy. Out of this comes a means to teach and to permit the Light to penetrate every aspect. You are to be truly celebrated and make your star nation legendary! Of this, and many other things make us truly joyous about you.
Today, we gave you a better perspective on what is currently happening on your world. The delays of the dark are now ready to break. The Light is readying for grand events, which are to start to propel you into a new reality. Be gracious and be able to express this in a most magnificent joy! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
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Webinar 61 Archive
Merging Science Into Spirituality
now ready for downloading...
In this singular time of human history, spirituality and science
are in the process of converging into a new paradigm.

In this Webinar, you will learn the role science
plays in merging with our path to full consciousness.
Topics include... Science of Lemuria Returns: Breaking the Matrix using Spiritual Science
Exploring Spiritual Wisdom: The science of miracles
The New Harmonics tap into the World of Spirit Look to nature for answers
Understanding what we can't see or prove

How we will benefit from new (Lemurian) Science

To order Webinar 61 Archive: Click on the white button
Price: $13.95 U.S

Webinar 61 Preview: Spiritual Wisdom

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Monday, May 25, 2015

A Jesus Message~Humanity's awakening is happening right now!

Sounds like a Trunken Elephant is picturing things in his own Image,

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 3:16 PM
Subject: A Jesus Message~Humanity's awakening is happening right now!
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

Here's a fun story and photo.

Elephant snatches man's camera, takes amazing 'elphie'

(CNN)Plenty of tourists have snapped a selfie of themselves posing with an elephant during their travels. Even U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has done it.
But how many have had their photo taken by the elephant?
Christian LeBlanc, a 22-year-old Canadian, found himself the subject of an extraordinary "elphie" on a Thai island earlier this year.
"My girlfriend and I were exploring the island when we came across a couple elephants," he told CNN by email. "For 50 cents, you could buy a basket of bananas to feed them, so we decided to get one."
The elephant LeBlanc was feeding decided what was on offer wasn't enough and started ferreting for more food with its trunk.
"Next thing I knew, it grabbed my GoPro by the mount and I got the selfie of a lifetime, which I can't take full credit for," he said.

Elephant was 'very playful'

LeBlanc's GoPro, a mountable sports camera, was set to shoot continuously, so it captured the view from the elephant's trunk. But he's not ruling out the possibility that the beast knew what it was doing.
"Elephants are incredibly intelligent, and it definitely makes you wonder if it was a conscious action," he said.
The photo was taken on the island of Koh Phangan about two months ago, but it has picked up attention online and also from the international media in recent days.
The photographically inclined elephant, meanwhile, remains something of a mystery.
"I know nothing about the actual elephant other than its love for selfies," LeBlanc said. "Its personality was very playful and it clearly had a craving for bananas because it devoured them."

Not the first 'elphie' on record

LeBlanc had been studying abroad in Bangkok before he and his girlfriend embarked on their travels. This was his first encounter with an elephant.
"At first, I was a little cautious of its size," he told CNN. "However, a few minutes in, I realized that despite its power, the elephant was relatively gentle. I got comfortable enough that I let my guard down and let it grab my GoPro."
His photo is unusual, but not the first elphie on record.
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Merging Science Into Spirituality is now ready for downloading...

In this singular time of human history, spirituality and science are in the process of converging into a new paradigm.

Check our Webinar Video Preview: Spiritual Wisdom

Dear PAO: I thought this webinar was going to be too technical because I know Sheldan is a scientist. I was pleasantly surprised when I experienced the most beautiful spiritual explanation of creation I have ever heard. Thank you. Alan F., Austria


In this Webinar, you will learn the role science plays in merging with our path to full consciousness.

Topics include...
• Science of Lemuria Returns: Breaking the Matrix using Spiritual Science
• Exploring Spiritual Wisdom: The science of miracles
• The New Harmonics tap into the World of Spirit
• Look to nature for answers
• Understanding what we can't see or prove
• How we will benefit from new (Lemurian) Science

To order Webinar 61 Archive: Click here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

A Message from Jesus

Humanity's awakening is happening right now!

Humanity's awakening is inevitable. Of course you have heard that many times before, but within the illusion doubts and anxieties assail you almost constantly. That is why it is necessary for me to keep reminding you, so that you hold your course regardless of the apparent lack of physical evidence within the illusory environment on which you focus most of your attention, to confirm that God's plan is unfolding just as He intends.
The illusion is a place in which inconsistencies flourish, new information arises that displaces previously held beliefs by demonstrating their inadequacies, and the pace at which that is happening is constantly accelerating. No wonder you feel so assailed. The illusion is an environment of almost constant change – peace to war, love to hate, trust to betrayal – and reversals of those states. At this point in your spiritual evolution – and everyone physically incarnate on Earth is here to evolve spiritually – an enormous effort is being maintained through prayer, meditation, and through humanity's intense desire for positive change, to move from violence to non-violence, from endless states of war to lasting peace, and awareness is growing that this can only happen if people trust each other and absolutely refrain from betraying that trust.
The briefest moment spent considering what is required to bring a state of peaceful and harmonious coexistence to all on Earth makes it quite clear that no progress can be made without first establishing trust, and to do that it is apparent that all cultures, ethnicities, lifestyles, religious and political beliefs must absolutely respect all others. The intense egoic need to be right that so many have, the need to belong to the right religion, the right political party, the right nation, the right . . . (fill in the blanks!) is, as history never fails to demonstrate, an unmitigated recipe for disaster, because it spends its time making others wrong, and thereby making others its enemies.
Worldwide, as children are born and start to grow, they have egos that need to grow and mature to enable them to live on Earth as wise and balanced individuals. Initially they have needs that they cannot fulfill for themselves, needs that require acknowledgment and fulfillment by someone other than themselves, and so they have to learn to attract the attention of those who are there to provide for those needs, and that attention seeking behavior strengthens their egos. This is normal.
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What is not normal, but in fact always happens, is that these egos, the egos of nearly every individual human without exception, are hurt and abused to a greater or lesser extent by their caregivers during their years of growth to adulthood. Generally the caregiver's intent is to teach and not to harm, but because of the damage that the caregivers themselves have experienced, they teach fear, not love. They unintentionally betray the trust of those for whom they are responsible, mostly believing that “it is for their own good!” The result is that the little ones growing up experience betrayal of their trust by those who are there to nurture them, and they are consequently conditioned to expect betrayal and thus learn to be forever on their guard. Consequently trust is not something they will offer lightly to another once they have lived through those unavoidable human growth experiences and had it betrayed.
How can humanity move forward then? The only way forward is by trusting one another, and yet to do that seems at best insane and at worst a total denial of reality. Your experience shows you that trusting individuals are gullible, unwise, immature, lacking intelligence, and are almost always betrayed. And yet reason and logic make it abundantly clear that without trust progress towards lasting peace is impossible. It would seem that humanity is caught in a “Catch 22” situation. There appears to be no way to escape from an absence of trust because, as experience shows most clearly, those who trust are always betrayed.
Nevertheless, the only way forwards is by choosing to trust. The vast majority of humans want only to live in peace and harmony with everyone else. When that state is achieved, as it has been many times in small communities, amazing cooperative creative ventures are undertaken and brought lovingly to fruition. However, the success of those communities arouses jealousy among those whose environments are less loving. If you look closely at what happens you will see that only a very small number of badly damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a harmonious community by spreading rumor and gossip.
That is the point – only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community, BECAUSE others listen to them and believe their embittered gossip.
If that gossip is ignored the gossipers move somewhere else. They seek egoic satisfaction in destroying the harmony and peace that others have established because they themselves are so damaged. And because they are in such intense pain, which is mostly denied and buried deep within them, they wait attentively for an opportunity to project that pain on to others for the slight relief it brings to them. When individuals are that badly damaged their only pleasure is found in hurting others. When you meet or interact with someone as hurt as that do not judge or condemn them, just intend for them to be healed, and send them love or blessings. That is one of your earthly tasks.
The way forwards therefore is to ignore all gossip, and instead to trust your own intuitive sense which tells you that others can be trusted, and then to trust them! Yes, within the illusion, your present apparent “home” environment, your trust will be betrayed occasionally. But, being an illusion, those experiences cannot harm you, they are the just unreal dreams from which you will awaken. The way forwards towards your awakening is to forgive those who betray you!
As I said above, only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community. However, if the community refuses to be influenced or manipulated by those in pain then those efforts are ineffective.
Each and every human, each beloved child of God, is permanently connected to the divine field of Love in which all of creation is eternally maintained, but the illusion, which seems so real to those living within it, is ego-driven and fear-driven, and it does every thing it can to convince you that you are an insignificant life form whose existence is short and meaningless. And of course that is its purpose. It was conceived of and built to allow you to experience separation from your Source, the infinitely loving God who created you in joy and for joy.
Your real state of existence – eternally present in the field of Love that is God – is unalterable. You are there always, and you have never left. You could never leave because there is, as you are constantly being reminded, nowhere else. Therefore there is nothing to fear!
As we in the spiritual realms keep telling you, through the various channels that we use to make contact with you, and through the divine intuition that you each have access to in every moment, there is only Love! God, the divine Source of all that exists, the sole Awareness, the One Sentient Consciousness that permeates every individual mind is Love. You are never absent from God, and therefore Love is your true and inviolable nature. What you experience within the dream, within the illusion – fear, conflict, betrayal, suffering, pain, and constant confusion – is unreal.
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When you detach from the illusion, even momentarily, by going within to that sacred place where the flame of God's Love burns constantly within you, then you will find peace. By going within and intending to know God, your divine Source, the place from which you arise renewed in every moment, you spread and extend Love to all with whom you interact in any way at all. That is your purpose during this incarnation. You chose to incarnate as a human this time around to help others to awaken, because the Love that you share with God motivates you most powerfully to bring all of humanity home to their natural state of awareness that all are One with God. You know that state, and being Love incarnate you want everyone to experience it permanently. You are in truth perfectly in alignment with the divine Will, and you are walking on Earth to shine the Light of God's Love so brightly that no one can fail to see It.
That Light is shining brilliantly all across the world because so many of you chose to be on Earth at this time to awaken humanity. No other options are available, humanity will awaken, and the chaos and confusion that seem to be intensifying all across the world are clear indications that humanity's awakening is happening right now!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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