
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Seven Energies of Light Speak

Thenergies on this 12th Anniversary Broadcast were Unusually Effective, Valuable & Most Useful.
Enjoy the audio,
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Seven Energies of Light Speak

Sunday, April 5, 2015

This channel is different from the usual Goddess teleconferences. This is the 12th anniversary of these teleconferences!! Over the years there have been many different ‘guest’ angels and beings of light who came through to speak with us and assist in our lives. During this channel seven of them returned. It began with Melchizedek, then Yeshua and then Metatron. From there it was a blended energy of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene & Kwan Yin. After them came St. Germain, Archangel Michael and finally Lady Gaia. I felt a bit like a revolving door!
There is so much information that has to share with humanity. We are moving into a new age. We are creating a greater balance. As you look at or hear about the happenings on the earth like the war, poverty, abuse, etc. it’s a release of old embedded energies and it’s an opportunity to infuse even more of the love and balanced energy into a situation, group or just the earth.
All of these evolved beings of light are walking with upon the earth. They may manifest for moments, speak through others or stay for short periods of time! Look around you and be open to receive their messages.
You will experience such amazing information and realize a new beginning is already taking us into this next phase of life.

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