
Friday, April 17, 2015

Gold ~ Message from St. Germain

That is what we all are so in delight about; to see 'DeLight' come back into your eyes
and shine forth from the radiance of your heart. It is such a wondrous time for us to ready ourselves for our reunion...

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breaths of Our Ascension

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 2:47 PM
Subject: Gold ~ Message from St. Germain
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart...

Abundance. When you hear the word, what conjures up in your mind? Is it a positive image or does it evoke feelings of less than; I'll never have any; why does that person get abundance and I don't; how do I get some, no one told me?
The Abundance promised from Heaven is for everyone. It is true that some people will be first line receivers but that does not make them any better than the ones who receive next. As St. Germain states below:

As the steps take place for the funds to flow throughout humanity, it will be personalized in every part of the world, every village, every city, every home.

It has been interesting to witness the dichotomy of emails PAO has received since posting our April webinar on Abundance. It appears to me that the gulf between the people who can hold the vision even with delays and the people who are still pointing fingers and blaming is getting greater which is a good thing. We have all been there - frustrated with the unfoldment of the divine plan.
As St. Germain states below, we came here to play a part.
The Abundance program unfolding is playing its part as well. Abundance is not just about money ~ however, it is one way of dismantling the dark cabal's power. It is an instrument for freedom. PAO's update stated:

The dollar is to be replaced by a new world of precious metal-backed currencies led by a group of regional monies. The banking system is as well to be freed from the grip of the Federal Reserve. This new banking system, as we have said, is quickly to be replaced by technologies that are to end the economic system founded on debt and usury and replace it with abundance and joy!

The new banking system is unfolding as I write this message. It is a process and we are encouraged to join together and hold the vision for a graceful, swift execution. Truly, Together we are Victorious!
In this webinar, Sheldan will explain the many ways abundance will be realized by each and every one of us. He will share why this project is instrumental in catapulting us into the 5th dimension.
Join us.....add your divine energies to the tapestry of Light we create during each webinar. Invite your friends. As we come together and hold the Light we are able to link vibrationally and accelerate the necessary world changes that will lead to our becoming fully conscious Galactic Humans.
Selamat Ja!

Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for April...

So many of us, now, are struggling with the meaning of time. We wonder when, at long last, the Earth Allies will distribute the abundance money so we can take the first steps in our joyful journey toward full consciousness.


In this Webinar, Sheldan brings us the latest information on current abundance timelines and explains how we are gradually overcoming the obstacles put in place by the dark cabals.

Topics include...

• Timing - Why the GF must be cautious
• Dark Cabal - Cause of Delays
• Earth Allies & Secret Societies - Their mission
• Abundance Program - Funding and testing the new system
• The role of NESARA
• The BRICS countries ~ Alternative to the cabal
• Need for patience: 3D time vs 5D time
• A new society - A new GAIA

Sunday, April 19, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, April 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)

For your convenience: Time Converter

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer

(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Wake Up Call ~~ St. Germain

April 16, 2015
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I come to you this day in the energy of the trueness of life on planet earth. I am going to tell you more of what is coming and what will be in the works. First I will share with you something that is taking place as I speak in the annals of history, for it is already history having taken place yesterday in the cellars of the United States of America. I am St. Germain, and I speak of the cellars of the United Nations.
I was called to be with them as they disbursed the gold that has been in storage for centuries in these cellars I speak of. It was the ones from the United Nations who called me and instructed me to go with them into the storage facilities and bear witness to their disbursements.
As I accompanied them they were in a mood of splendor, for they knew this would mean the coming to peace of all of the nations of this world. It is time for it all to become in harmony and in Love for all of life on earth. One of the ways in which to bring this about is through the distribution of the gold in the process that is in the works now of the funds being distributing. As you have been told, the gold is backing up the funds, and it is being distributed to the nations as the funds are coming to the various places.
Now I will tell you another part of this message, for it has to do with how you are all going to respond to the funds as they come to you in the ways that are being formulated. There are those who have already set their places for the management of the funds to help all of mankind to return to the purity that they are destined for. It is a matter of the funds being used for the purpose of bringing about an equal use that reflects the equality of all of mankind.
There is no more use for the idea that one is better, or more than another, for we are all equal. We all will be going through the action of using the funds to create a more valuable way of living on earth, and then we will all go from there to set the example of how we don't need to be richer than another person in order to have a better life. There is nothing like presenting the example of what is being shared with others and communicated in a way that cannot be mistaken.
I am here with you all in a way that speaks of who you are, for I am no more than you are. I have chosen the role I play, as you all have, and as soon as you are able to see me as I walk along side you, you will realize that this is the awakening time for you. That is what we all are so in delight about; to see 'DeLight' come back into your eyes and shine forth from the radiance of your heart. It is such a wondrous time for us to ready ourselves for our reunion. We are going to be celebrating in a way that is only thus far realized. As the steps take place for the funds to flow throughout humanity, it will be personalized in every part of the world, every village, every city, every home. As I speak, there are some who are already involved with what the funds are doing for mankind and Mother Earth.
I shall leave this message now and watch as those of you who read it take the initiative and follow through on what it awakens within you. It is a wondrous time here on planet earth now. As we all come together and share ourselves in every way that we can, it will be obvious that we have come to our final resting place before dancing forth in our next venture. From one moment to the next is when that change will come forth for all of us. Love is all there is, and we all walk forth into the next moment and the next.
Thank you so much dear St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate


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