
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Advanced Soul Alignment and Oneness By Universal Logos Lord Melchizedek

...allow yourself to experience a true exchange and communication of energy between yourself and the Creator and yourself as the Creator....

Advanced Soul Alignment and Oneness By Universal Logos Lord Melchizedek

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 2nd September 2014-

It is in the consciousness and truth of oneness I come forth to greet you today, sending forth the vibration of consciousness to

greet you like a warm breeze of light embracing you lovingly. Oneness is a word and a concept that describes a natural part

of my being, your being and every soul upon the Earth and the inner planes. When we try to contemplate the word oneness

and how it would materialise into our realities it can be challenging to grasp especially when upon the Earth. On the inner

planes we are accustomed to energy or seemingly matter merging and integrating as if dancing together in unison. Upon the

Earth such unison and integration of energies can be experienced but the perceptive of separation remains evident, this is

because the belief of separation is ingrained within your consciousness and programming. While it may seem appropriate to

dissolve beliefs of separation it also acts as a support in grasping the physical and material reality upon the Earth. The key is

to cultivate the already present belief in oneness and unity or integration and merging thus letting go of attachment to and

focus upon separation of all forms.

Oneness upon the Earth is the exchange and communication of all forms of energy, it is the exchange of energy that creates

and cultivates the existence of oneness. Your being and every soul upon the Earth and the inner planes has a natural ability of

cultivating, creating, existing in and experiencing oneness because of your natural ability to exchange and communicate in

energetic form thus creating bountiful of energy within and around your being. Energy of all forms is the Creator whatever

label you choose to place upon this ever present source of life, light and love. Every person upon the Earth is constantly

expressing, communicating and exchanging energy without even realising, while positive sacred divine energy is always

exchanged whether you are spiritual aware or not, the manifestation of the exchange depends upon the focus of your mind,

your beliefs and the consciousness held within your emotional body. While sacred energies are always exchanged as this is

the natural nature and ability of your being, the way in which they appear within your reality upon the Earth depends on the

focus of your personality. One of your soul’s greatest purposes is to continue to create and evolve the vibration of unity within

its own reality and between all sources and expressions of the Creator. If the personality is existing holding onto vibrations of

fear, sadness or anger then the soul and the personality are not necessary aligned harmoniously. One of the roles of the soul

is to divinely influence, support and magnify the personality, meaning the thoughts, beliefs, actions, choices at a physical

level. If there is a miss alignment the soul can actually begin to magnify the focus of the personality because the soul is an

expression of the Creator and differentiating between good and bad, positive and negativity is not the role of the soul. While

the soul acts as a magnifier it is also holding within its consciousness the divine plan for your existence upon the Earth. The

divine plan held by your soul is an assortment of endless beautiful opportunities which will serve you in fulfilment upon the

Earth and at a greater soul journey level. The vibration of your soul’s divine plan is akin to a very powerful magnet drawing

every aspect of your being into alignment with it. With this in mind you can be sure you will always achieve and experience all

that is needed because of the strong magnet like pull of your soul. We can share great appreciation with all souls inhabiting

physical bodies as their learning and exploration is immense, serving the entire universe.

Your soul is incarnate upon the Earth as your physical self but much of your physical self can run on automatic, even though it

is being fuelled by and is your soul. The key is to align the soul with your physical body and expression more fully thus

automated actions, thoughts and beliefs are dissolved to be replaced with divine expressions of your soul. When everything

is aligned with the soul we can experience oneness, the communication and exchange of energy within our full form, meaning

your entire being on all physical and energetic levels.

Dissolving fear, negative thought habits and beliefs is a way of aligning with your soul creating harmonious oneness. All your

spiritual practices are working towards this existence. Oneness is naturally who you are on all levels of your being but at a

physical level awareness is often needed to access that which is within you, bringing it into manifestation. Awareness is

simply recognition and acceptance of all that you are. One of the experiences of the Earth is acceptance, because

acceptance can bring all that you are into manifestation and experience upon the Earth.

Imagine what it would be like to be aligned with the Creator so completely that every moment of your reality would be

influenced by the Creator. What would you experience? What thoughts would you have? How would you act and go about

your daily life? What would you say to others? What would your life be like?

These are powerful questions to ask yourself, the answers may to some extent be influenced by limitations of the mind but

you would allow yourself to experience a true exchange and communication of energy between yourself and the Creator and

yourself as the Creator. Just the feeling of the exchange, of freedom may be all you need to inspire you. While you may

become involved in the experience of the alignment recognising it as a fantasy or an experiment, it is actually your truth. You

are already aligned with the Creator being influenced and guided in every moment, this is your reality. Maybe you imagined it

as a heavenly experience but it is now, it is your truth it is your natural ability of oneness, to be connected with all things and


You may wish to take time to contemplate the difference between your experience of alignment with the Creator in your

current reality and that which you imagined when you contemplated being aligned with the Creator in this moment. Then

asking yourself what needs to alter or shift for me to accept this ultimate experience of oneness and alignment with all you


Often the soul needs to be given the opportunities to program your physical being, actions and thoughts, this can only take

place when you are ready to accept your soul’s oneness and shift your actions etc, into a greater vibration of alignment.

Archangel Metatron often spoke of the vibration of oneness and unity especially around the period of 2012. Archangel

Metatron is now bringing forth a support system for souls on the Earth to encourage the expressions of souls at a physical

body level with greater intensity. Archangel Metatron is encouraging many guides, Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels,

Light Beings and even the Rays of Light to step forth into roles of promoting, magnifying and mentoring oneness. This means

that these beings are stepping into roles to aid the enhanced communication and exchange of energy between your soul and

your physical manifestation. These beings have put themselves forth to be of service. Your soul is aware of everything that

occurs on the inner planes and so is actually calling forth three mentors or beings to be of service. These three supporters act

as examples and magnifiers of your own souls qualities. Your soul understands the qualities it needs to magnify within its

energy source and transmit into your physical manifestation on the Earth. Your soul has called forth three supporters who

represent and hold the same energies your soul wishes to magnify and transmit. It is as if the supporters are being called

forth to act as mirrors so your soul can acknowledge its chosen qualities more fully transmitting them into your entire being.

This is the only role of the supporters to act as an example of the energies your soul wishes to experience at a physical level

and to support your soul in doing so. Your soul is aligning to these three supporters on the inner planes so there is a

communication and exchange of energy occurring which is fuelling your soul.

For example, you may discover your soul has called forth three supporters such as Quan Yin, Saint Germain and Mary

Magdalene. It could be that Quan Yin holds the identical vibration of peace as your soul which your soul wishes to magnify.

Saint Germain holds the identical self-belief which your soul wishes to magnify within its physical reality and Mary Magdalene

holds the identical vibration of healing harmony your soul wishes to enthuse throughout its physical being. Your soul will then

focus upon these three supporters and the three energies it wishes to enhance, a constant alignment and oneness will be

formed until it is no longer needed. These three energies will build within your soul and you will notice their manifestation and

creation more fully within your being and physical reality, thus your soul is in greater expression, alignment and oneness.

You can support this period of growth of your soul with your awareness. You may wish to sit in meditation asking your soul to

call forth its three chosen supporters, bringing their presence and the quality that attracts your soul into your awareness. Your

soul may answer you instantly or over a period of time but allow yourself to exude patience and contentment with anything

your soul wishes to share with you. Know that the qualities may seem mundane or insignificant to you but they are like

medicine and support for your soul. With your information you may wish to then practice this affirmation filling in the gaps


‘To support my soul’s expression within my entire being I align in oneness with, (1st Supporter) and their quality of

…………………….., I align in oneness with, (2nd Supporter) and their quality of …………………….. and I align in oneness

with, (3rd Supporter) and their quality of …………………….. Thank you.’

This is all that is needed; practicing this simple invocation will allow you to be aware of the same energies integrating into

your physical reality thus offering you evidence and confidence in the presence and expression of your soul.

With loving guidance eternally,

Lord Melchizedek

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