
Monday, June 23, 2014

Cosmic Contacts with Pam and Mahala @ 4:30PCToday ARCHIVED

Mahala shares her Rich Insights into the Forces of Change & theffects they bring,



Radio Show Announcement ARCHIVED @

Cosmic Contacts with Pam and Mahala World Astrologer

Hello Everyone, It’s Cosmic Contacts time again, I’m so excited to have Mahala a ‘World Astrologer,’ famous Writer, Lecturer and Minister, as a guest on the show.

Mahala has been sharing her predictions for over 30 years.
To easily access the show go to scroll past Searchers Roadmap to my show this Monday, 6/23/14 6:30 pm CST or 4:30 PCT.

Mahala a frequent guest on the show will be sharing up-coming planetary events for June/July.
Her interviews are extremely knowledgeable interesting and enlightening.

Mahala says we are still under a Grand Cross that especially effects all the Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If these are your signs you will definitely want to listen in. We are all affected by this transit just different degrees.

Get on line early, if you have a question for Mahala call 347-838-9142.
Mahala does Edgar Cayce Past Life Readings for a donation of $30. the chart is not so much about your past life as it is about the characteristics you bring with you into this life…You will love it!
If you are interested in receiving one of these charts email Mahala at and put reading in the subject line. Sign up for her ‘free’ monthly newsletter at
From the Emoji Heart

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