
Monday, March 31, 2014 are waking up! & ....seeking that Love.

We're living on a movie set with 7 billion + players, each one following their scripted parts.

And if you think this is Funny, It is & the more yoU Laugh about ithe Sooner you're Free,

However, make no mistake, you are waking up!

“When are we to awaken?” That is the question we are constantly being asked, and our answer to you is that awakening is imminent. And of course that is the answer that has been offered to you very frequently over the last few years, some of you might even say over the last few decades. For you it is frustrating, disappointing, and, at the very least, most confusing, because it seems to have been going on for so long. You believe that here in the spiritual realms we have foresight, insight, and information unavailable to you, and you expect us to be able to give you positive and meaningful answers to that persistent question “When?”

But it is you who are in the process of awakening, it is you who have taken the collective decision to do so, and, therefore, it is you who are setting the pace. We watch you and delight in the progress that you are making; it seems that the moment is about to arrive, and then something untoward and unanticipated distracts you from the task in hand, and momentarily you slip more deeply back into that state of sleep from which it is your resolute intention to awaken. However, make no mistake, you are waking up!

But it seems to many of you that you are not, or certainly not quickly enough, as you view the wars, the crimes, the intense poverty, and the suffering that plagues humanity. However, all that you see throughout the world that is not in alignment with Love is of the illusion, and has been present from its beginning. What you see is not new, not strange, not unusual, it is, as you might say, “business as usual,” for the illusion is a place of separation and justifiable distrust because people continue to betray one another with predictable consistency, as they have done for eons.

Nevertheless, if you will make a point of observing the enormous changes in attitudes that have occurred in human beliefs and philosophies over the last few decades you have to admit that “business as usual” is declining as more and more of you decide that what humanity is presently experiencing just is not good enough. Concern for others, apart from immediate family, and for other races and cultures, and for the planet herself has been growing exponentially of late, and as a result action is being taken to correct and repair the damage that has resulted over the eons, and particularly in the last two or three hundred years – intensifying in the just ended twentieth century. And those actions are beginning to bear fruit which is why, here in the spiritual realms, we are so sure that your awakening is imminent.

Because it is you who are, as it were, “running the show,” it is you who decides when awakening will occur. And it is apparent to us that your intent for it to happen is intensifying in every moment, so that it can be neither prevented nor delayed. And although you are running it, you are only a part of the divine plan for your awakening, set in motion at the moment of your apparent separation from your Source by God to ensure that you could not and would not be lost interminably in a horrific and imaginary nightmare that could only cause you intense and interminable pain and suffering.

And, I assure you, that to be aware of God and to be seemingly separated from Him would cause suffering beyond bearing. Consequently the apparent state of sleep presently enveloping you is also a protection against the inordinate suffering that full awareness of your divine nature would entail while believing yourselves to be separated from Him.

God loves you infinitely and eternally, and so He does all in His Power, apart from overriding your free will, to reduce and dissipate your pain, fear, and suffering. Turn to Him often during the day, when you go to your quiet inner space where His Love can embrace you, and reaffirm your intent for humanity to awaken and depart from the illusion. In so doing you once more align with His divine Will and accelerate your approach to awakening.

Remember that while you rest within the illusion you can and do keep changing your minds and your intentions, not the basic and irreversible collective decision to awaken, but your own individual decisions to do so, as mood swings and distractions weaken your focus on the essential task in hand. When that happens you effectively meander off the path, or slow down as you watch with shock and horror the hideous activities across the world, so well reported by the mainstream media, that are causing such havoc and suffering for so many unfortunates.

As we keep telling you “Focus on Love.” Love is the field in which all of creation has its eternal existence. Anything that is not in complete alignment with Love is unreal, although within the illusion it appears utterly and irrevocably real. The illusion, that you (the human collective) devised and constructed is alarmingly real to you because the power of the collective to mask and cloak Reality so that It is hidden from you is very strong. That, after all, was the intent when you decided to build and inhabit the illusion.

Over the eons many have seen through it but were unable to persuade the majority to look and see for themselves, because most felt themselves to be defined by it, and to see through it, they believed, would lead to their destruction. Once you have seen the Light and know that It is permanently available to you it makes no sense to live in the darkness which is the illusion, but within the illusion much courage is required for you to discard that to which you have become so accustomed and enter into the Light. It is too bright! That is the attitude that you have been changing so effectively and rapidly over the last few decades, and you are about to embrace that brightness and enter into it!

With so very much love, Saul.

You were created in Love and from Love, and within the illusion you have been forever seeking that Love.

We are all One. The divine realms, the spiritual realms, and the physical realms are all One, and your scientists have discovered this though their ongoing studies in physics. There is nothing that is not part of the One, because the One is All That Exists, and every particle of consciousness is an eternal and inseparable part of that Whole, even though it may choose to experience itself as individual, separate, alone.

You knew this consciously and experientially when God created you One with Himself, and then, when you built, developed, and entered into the illusion, you forgot. But to forget is not to lose or be without, it is merely a temporary state in which the infinite abundance of your perfection, wisdom and knowledge – bestowed on you at the moment of your creation by your infinitely loving Father, God, the Source of All, Who, in His infinite Love for you, gave you everything that He had – is hidden from you only by your own choice to enter the illusion.

Your sense of individuality, separateness, aloneness, even abandonment is but part of that illusion, because it is impossible that you could ever be separated from the One that is All that exists. Your choice to experience that unreal state has brought you much pain and suffering, and you have now collectively decided to return to Reality, to the experiential knowing of your true state at One with your Creator.

What you are now in the process of doing is awakening from the dream, the quite terrifying dream that you are alone, separate, infinitesimally small and insignificant beings in a universe of such a vastness that the very thought of it totally overwhelms you. It is so terrifying that for many the only apparent escape was to deny it and pretend that you were simple human beings, born by chance from the primordial slime, and doing the best that you could to survive in an environment that was unaware of you, and which you hoped would remain unaware of you lest it chose (should it in fact have intelligence) to destroy you because you were so weak, feeble, and valueless.

Others invented a god, a being of immense power who constantly watched and judged you, to whom you believed that you owed undying allegiance and obeisance, and who you believed would reward you if you behaved in a fashion that you judged he would approve of, even to the point of judging others who you saw as unworthy of the standard that you had set, and who you therefore chose to attempt to subjugate or destroy to honor him. You have finally become collectively aware of the insanity of this kind of belief, you are releasing yourselves from it, and many are attempting to build a universal culture that lovingly embraces all on the planet for the good of all mankind.

You were created in Love and from Love, and within the illusion you have been forever seeking that Love – which seems to have been withdrawn from you – in relationships of all kinds. But none of them ever satisfies the need that lies buried deep within you, the only real need that you have and which has always been provided for you, to be One with your Source. You were created One with your Source, and separated from it you could not exist for even an instant, and so, thinking that you are separated, and therefore without love, it is your destiny to forever seek the Love that only It can provide.

But that Love is within you, where It was placed at the moment of your creation, and it is within that you will find It when you let go of all your preconceptions that keep you thinking, reasoning, and puzzling over where you might find It! It is closer to you than you can possibly imagine, but while you accept the illusion as real and try to find within it what you seek you will continue to be dismayed and disappointed, because you are searching in the distance for something from which you have never been separated.

Your guides, angels, saints, and mentors in the spiritual realms are constantly trying to help you see the truth of this, but you keep allowing yourselves to be distracted by the apparent charms and enticements or the fears and anxieties of the illusion. However, the awareness that life as you are presently experiencing it is an illusion is dawning on ever greater numbers of you, as you realize that God, the divine Source, being infinitely loving could never have created the threatening and inhospitable environment in which you appear to have your existence, because, to even the most cursory investigation it is abundantly apparent that it is not an environment created in Love.

Love is your nature, Love is your Source; you can never be separated from that Source, and therefore what you are experiencing must be illusory. An environment that encourages and provides pain and suffering, and that suggests that sacrifice is required of you to make you worthy of Him Who created you perfect in infinite Love makes no sense at all, and you are, at last, admitting the truth of that, and therefore letting go of judgment and opening to unconditional acceptance and love of all forms of life.
And doing just that, and nothing else, dissolves the illusion, because its whole premise is antithetical to Love, and when there is only Love there is no place for the illusion, and all the pain and suffering associated with it, and so it dissolves, it disintegrates, it is no more, and you awaken into the eternal joy of experiencing yourselves as One with Love.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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