
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bank Tests, SS Closed in US and Australia: This weekend

Earlier last week I wrote about "The "Debt Ceiling" aka: "special manouvers" of the Fed... I mean, "Treasury" " In the article I reviewed a few previous articles that have all been relevant to this moment and what seems to be the groundhog day template that we keep seeing over and over again.
Bank Tests, SS Closed in US and Australia: This weekend
Specifically I talked about the Debt Ceiling "Crisis" and about the coming banking closures due to "testing the system". These bank closures are purported to be taking place on Feb 15-16- this coming weekend. At the moment I was writing that article, Jack Lew had announced that the Treasury was going to be in serious trouble if the debt ceiling wasn't "raised" by Feb 27th....
Well very interestingly, yesterday at the drop of a dime, Lew put the Debt Ceiling mess to a vote in congress and they voted to Raise the Debt Ceiling without ANY strings:

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