
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mainstream mention of Global Financial Reset

Suzy Orman the Tv financial advisor said Nov. 15th was the critical day for government debt & Here's the Keisereport on Global Reset as we movever closer to the Inescapable Inevitable,

10-20-2013 Intel Guru Eagle1 A mutual brother in the Lord who is a banker called me and introduced me to a gentleman who had been a part of Bush 41's administration, the Clinton Administration, Bush 43's administration, and even Obama's first term. He provided me with a level of information and insight into the whole process that has been nothing short of amazing. This gentleman knows some of the "button-pushers" involved in the GCR. He advised me that "the process is complete," and stated that we should see things "imminently." I was able to independently confirm his information…So where does that leave us? At the bank, I hope, ready for exchange. Today [Saturday], tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday? I expect YET to receive one final piece of confirming news that the trigger has indeed been pulled and that we will see the rates on bank screens. [post 3 of 3]
Keiser Report - Global Reset Happening Now !!! (Video)
Kaputski to global financial system - time to reset! - YouTube (1:34 min)
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----- Original Message -----
From: Transcendental Fellowship
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 11:58 PM
Subject: Mainstream mention of Global Financial Reset


I am sending this to those of you who are in the know about what is coming..

It's about time that a respected mainstream financial analyst mentions this. He flat out says that the global currency reset is happening.

If you look at the small "RT" logo on the screen of that broadcast, that stands for "Russian Times" a large Russian owned news agency that is not controlled by the banking cartels such as "CNN, FOX, MSN, CBS". In my view, his being on RT makes him mainstream, in that RT is broadcast worldwide and can be found on most subscription networks in the US. Keiser is not bought and paid for by vested interests.

Click here:   (1:36)

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