
Monday, October 21, 2013

Documentary: Grounded ~ Walking Barefoot

Documentary: Grounded ~ Walking Barefoot or maintaining contact withe Earth improves All Aspects of Health. It been working for me, I use ito balance my energies after meditating each day.
The other benefits are becoming evident as we connect with Our Mother Earth,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension   

Documentary: Grounded

The Producers of this film are allowing a full and FREE preview through 10/26/2013!

Story at-a-glance

  • Walking barefoot on the Earth transfers free electrons from the Earth’s surface into your body that spread throughout your tissues providing beneficial effects. This process is called ‘grounding.’
  • Grounding has been shown to relieve chronic pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, thin your blood, enhance well-being and much, much more
  • Wearing plastic- or rubber-soled shoes effectively disconnects you from the Earth’s natural electron flow
  • In the Grounded documentary, you’ll hear first-hand accounts from residents of Haines, Alaska who have overcome chronic pain, sleep apnea and much more simply by getting grounded
  • Like eating right, exercising and sleeping, grounding can be described as yet another lifestyle habit that supports optimal health

Documentary: Grounded

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