
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Your Future Self Revealed ~ Selacia

Your Future Self Revealed ~ Selacia
Opportunities presenthemselves almost daily now, & just an Inner Acknowledgement will Secure them,

Newebsite focused on PAO & the Changes
(Planetary Activation Organization)

----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: galacticjack
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2013 7:47 PM
Subject: Your Future Self Revealed ~ Selacia



earth receiving rays
The upcoming Equinox is one of the key energy gateways left in 2013. This gateway is a powerful window of time when we can perceive more about ourselves and our planet. We can interact with Spirit with greater ease, learning more about how to direct our life paths.
2013 has been loaded with unusual and powerful gateways which many experience as a roller coaster ride. One day you may feel like you can do anything your heart desires and the next day you find yourself drowning in confusion, despair, or sadness. Ahh, this too shall pass.
We are being encouraged to go with the flow and learn to embrace change because huge changes are on the horizon for the next several months. Remember that we chose to be here at this most auspicious time in our galaxy's history.
Below are two messages from Selacia and the Council of 12 regarding our roles as "beacons of Light". Enjoy!
Selamat Ja!

Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for September

Sheldan will cover what happens to us before and during the Announcements as well as what happens to us after the Announcements? Join us!

webinar 43 ad3

The Divine Partners:

Spiritual Hierarchy - Galactic Federation - Ascended Masters - Secret Sacred Societies (Earth Allies) - Agarthans - Gaia - Humans

A host of events must unfold before the reality shift can be fully manifested. By working together as partners, we are bringing ever closer the moment when each event, like a string of beads, falls perfectly into place.
Topics include...
• How we are working together.
• Why has it taken so long to coordinate the shift?
• What can we do now to help make it happen?
• What happens to us before and during the Announcements?
• What happens to us after the Announcements?
• How can we be more patient while we wait?

Sunday, September 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, September 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

(California Time)


Seats are Limited... Register Now!

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Your Future Self Revealed

New Views on Abundance, Science Redefined

by Selacia
Greetings dear ones. We are here to share with you the wonder of these times. You may have noticed that in the current quickening, there are more doors opening to you than ever before. The more you consciously observe the doorways ahead of you and prepare yourselves to move through them, the more you will find your evolution can dramatically increase at this time.
It is as if you are on a carousel that is moving at greater and greater speeds. At each turn of the wheel, you pass by more of these open doorways. You have the opportunity to partake of the jewels inside these doorways, but only if you stay focused on the obvious that lies right in front of you. If you "go to sleep" for the moment that the doorway is in view, you do not see the jewels! There is no judgment here. We simply want you to train yourselves to be more in the "here and now" to remind you that your active participation is required to move into these new ways of being available at the millennium.
To assist you at this time, we would like to light the path ahead for the days ahead. We would like to first remind you that you have already succeeded in transforming yourselves back into luminous beings, for we see those future beings who have achieved their long-ago stated intent! The creative spark that will be yours in the fifth dimensional world will allow you to reclaim your power as creators. Know that your future selves we see ~ in the not too distant future ~ have learned to move beyond the illusions of time and space. They have shed their fear and embraced a new view of themselves. The new perspective is based on unity and oneness. It is one focused in the moment, avoiding a preoccupation with the past.

Your Roles As Mapmakers and Activators of Keys of Divine Wisdom

Greetings dear ones! We are The Council of 12, and we would like to address you in your role as mapmakers and as activators of keys of divine wisdom. You are being called to remember your potency and starhood. You are being reminded of your own personal power to map out your own individual destiny.
As you learn to shift your own life experiences by taking conscious control of your own life script, you empower yourselves and show others how to do the same. By your very example, the others you touch will awaken to their own potential. They will learn how to see the messages spirit has for them in each twist and turn of the road, understanding that all data and experience is useful.
Patterns of victimhood will fall away as humanity once again remembers and embraces these ancient truths. You truly are creating another Golden Age for yourselves and humanity. It is your birthright.
by Selacia


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